//Tag:Council #15045

Jerusalem Students Mass


Submitted by SK Hikmat Michel Dandan Jesus The King Council Jerusalem Students Mass 2018. The Mass was celebrated this year on Sunday 21st October at 12:30 in St Justin Martyr Church on Highway #7, Markham. Rev. Monsignor Vid Vlasic celebrated the Mass. Around 25 sponsors were present to receive their student files from Monsignor Vid which include the profile of the student, his grades, a thank you card from the student, a letter from the Melkite Catholic Patriarchate School, Shepherds Fields in Beit Sahour near Bethlehem, a letter from the Melkite Catholic Archbishop of Jerusalem and a receipt that the sponsorship [...]

Jerusalem Students Mass 2018-11-02T17:09:17+00:00

Jerusalem Students Mass


Submitted by SK Hikmat Michel DandanJesus The King CouncilJerusalem Students Graduates of 2018 5 Students graduated in 2018 while under sponsorship of the Jerusalem Students program. One of the graduates, RAMEZ, had been sponsored by St. Justin Martyr Council for several years. His father said that the sponsorship motivated his son to study to succeed as he did not want to fail his sponsors. SK Randy Galluzzi of St. Justin Martyr Council said that the members of the council felt like they were all his UNCLES in Canada. A total of more than 70 students are sponsored. 16 already graduated under [...]

Jerusalem Students Mass 2018-10-21T00:00:00+00:00

Jerusalem Students Mass


Submitted by SK Hikmat Michel DandanJesus The King CouncilThe Jerusalem Students Honor Guard The Honor Guard from St. John Paul Assembly, All Saints of China Assembly, and Bishop Grecco Assembly was very impressive because all of the Sir Knights love The Holy Land and many of them had sponsored students as well. At the end of the Mass, Rev. Monsignor Vid asked all the Sir Knights to stand in front of the altar, he blessed them and praised them for being the right hand of the Catholic Church and asked the parishioners to give them a big hand. The clapping did [...]

Jerusalem Students Mass 2018-10-21T00:00:00+00:00

Jerusalem Students Mass


Submitted by SK Hikmat Michel DandanJesus The King CouncilSpecial cakes after the Jerusalem Students Mass Two slab cakes were specially made for the occasion, one welcoming the Jerusalem Students sponsors and the other welcoming St. John Paul II Assembly. The Faithful Navigator Sk Johnny Lee along with PFN SK Eardley and SK Fran are seen cutting the ceremonial cake.

Jerusalem Students Mass 2018-10-21T00:00:00+00:00

Jerusalem Students Mass


Submitted by SK Hikmat Michel DandanJesus The King CouncilThe ceremonial cake welcoming the Jerusalem Students sponsors. WHY JERUSALEM STUDENTS is an important project for every knight. Because it is in the Holy Land, where Jesus Christ walked, preached, was crucified and rose from the dead. Because our Holy Father and Supreme Knight urge us to support the persecuted Christians in the Middle East. Because we are Catholic which as H.E. Cardinal Collins says: " means we have to be universal look beyond and help brothers all over ". Because the Christians in The Holy Land are diminishing, now less than 2%. [...]

Jerusalem Students Mass 2018-10-21T00:00:00+00:00

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