Worthy State Family Chairmen,

Jaime A. Libaque, Family Director
As your Family Director for 2023/2024, I would like to welcome all of you to your new position. I was honored to have been selected by our State Deputy David Peters and I promise to work with all of you in enhancing the Family portfolio in the next Columbian year.
For the last two years I was the Awards Chairman for Ontario and have seen very low participation in the family programs. I really want to work with all of you in getting the message out that these programs are the key to our success. I am open to listening to your ideas on how you can make a difference and introduce these fairly new programs to our members, families, communities and parishioners. I believe the key to increased participation is to work with our Pastors and ask their permission to implement the various programs in our parishes.
Like all of you, I have been asked to prepare a presentation for the upcoming District Deputies’ meeting which will be held the first weekend of July. If you need assistance from me in preparing your handout(s) please do not hesitate to contact me. In order for you to know what each of us is doing, I have attached a copy of the Family portfolio with all of the positions and contact information.
To assist you in getting the information for your specific program(s) I have also included below a link to the various family programs on the Supreme Website. This link clearly explains all of the programs and how to set them up. You should be able to find everything you need to prepare the Word document Bryan requested in his recent email to you.
In closing, I want to thank you for accepting to be part of the team and I look forward to working with all of you.
Jaime A. Libaque
Family Director
Deceased Members Headstone Cleaning and Prayer Program
Higher purpose
During our admission degree, we learned of our binding and no higher duty than the care of our widows and the children of our deceased brothers. Our highest rated and trusted insurance program covers that in spades nor should it be the only way we can care for our widows. Cleaning the gravesite and praying for the repose of the soul of their deceased husband every year is very comforting to our departed brothers’ widow.
Planning the program
Well in advance of your planned date; contact the local cemetery to help locate all deceased members and plot on a map. Explain the program to the cemetery staff and inquire about any bylaws for leaving any KC marker flags at each gravesite and the length of time that it can be displayed in the ground. If not permitted, substitute by giving the widow the miniature flag after the prayer at her deceased husband’s gravesite. Surviving widows are also helpful to identify the gravesites of their deceased husband.
Purchase your KC miniature marker flags from the State office using SO-50 form, a minimum of 30 days prior to your planned
Request assistance from your Pastor or Council Chaplain or Parish Deacon for a prayer suitable at the gravesite for our departed brothers.
Implementing the program
Recruit members, Squires or non-members to volunteer to help clean the headstones and grounds around them on a day prior to your planned day for the prayer program.
Write invitation letters and personally deliver them to all the widows asking them for their support and attendance.
Gather at the entrance or designated spot at the cemetery and ask the Clergy to recite a prayer for all deceased members. Together everyone visits each gravesite, and everyone prays the Lords Prayer or a prayer your Pastor has written for the program. Invite the widow or family member to place the KC miniature marker flag (if permitted at the cemetery).
Membership component
Visitors to the cemetery will witness our support of our deceased members by the sight of us praying together at each gravesite and the site of our KC miniature marker flags waving in the wind throughout the cemetery.