Pro-Life 2021-09-02T16:27:47+00:00


“We must not believe the Evil One when he tells us that there is nothing we can do in the face of violence, injustice and sin.” (Pope Francis, March 24, 2013)

As Catholics and Knights of Columbus, we are called to continually promote, develop and defend a Culture of Life that values life from the moment of conception to natural death. The Supreme Website advises: “What we choose to do, or not do, about abortion, euthanasia, human cloning and embryonic research impacts lives for generations to come. Take action now and support a culture that values human life at all stages.”

United together, we can stand for Life at all stages, by sharing our experiences with one another. When planning your upcoming Pro-Life Masses and Culture of Life Activities, please contact the State Office at or Life Director, Chris Naus at, so we can share this with Brother Knights across the province who can support your efforts!

Culture of Life Activities

The Supreme Website offers a variety of resources, free material, tips & simple activities councils can consider to support a Culture of Life. These activities include:

  • Organize a council pro-life program under the direction of the pro-life chair couple.
  • Contact right-to-life committees or other pro-life organizations in your area. Work to coordinate your programs with those already in existence. Volunteer support, manpower, and finances. Join weekly peaceful Pro-Life Walks at Local Hospitals and Abortion Clinics with local pro-life organizations.
  • Participate in the Annual Nation March for Life in Ottawa (typically 2nd Week of May each year). Knights and Councils who are unable to go can also support youth and pro-life organizations by sponsoring bus charters to assist others in participating in the National March.
  • Participate in local Annual Life Chains (typically 1st Sunday in October) across 100+ Communities in Ontario.
  • Pay tribute to the millions of children killed by abortion by erecting memorials in Catholic cemeteries, on council hall grounds, and at parishes.
  • Sell Roses for Life and donate funds to Culture of Life Causes.
  • Launch a Baby Bottle Campaign in your Parish as a fundraiser. Distribute empty baby bottles in your parish to individuals and families to deposit money for a set period of time.
  • Sponsoring a “Knights of Columbus Pro-life Baby Shower” is a great way to raise funds and obtain supplies for local culture of life organizations, a pregnancy care center (PCC), and shelters for women and children.
  • Send letters or personally contact your chaplain, pastor and members of the clergy offering whatever assistance they request in the fight against abortion.
  • Purchase a Mass Offering for the intention of unborn children (or any Culture of Life issue). Offer Council Participation in Pro-Life Masses and offer to coordinate a 4th Degree Honour Guard.
  • Promote and support the Order’s pro-life efforts by displaying materials featuring the theme, “Defend Life” or “A People for Life.”
  • Distribute the Church’s teachings on the sanctity of life as outlined in the Study Guide to Evangelium Vitae (#2914). The guide has been prepared by the Knights of Columbus for groups and individuals who wish to become more familiar with the Church’s teaching on the respect due human life as presented by Pope John Paul II in his 11th encyclical, Evangelium Vitae (The Gospel of Life). Copies can be obtained for 25 cents per copy from the Supply Department.
  • Create a public display of pro-life support. Place small white crosses in the lawn of your council home or parish, representing the number of lives lost to abortion locally each year.
  • Promote letter-writing campaigns to your Member of Parliament. Bring stationery to council meetings and have members write letters on the spot. Letters should express your views clearly, firmly and courteously, ask questions and demand answers.
  • Carry the pro-life message to youth through the religious education programs, high schools, colleges, Squires, Scouts, etc. Deliver speeches, distribute literature and sponsor pro-life essay and poster contests. Arrange for a showing of pro-life films at council meetings, family events, and community meetings.
  • Criticize any and all pro-abortion programs sponsored by radio and television stations and ask for equal time dedicated to pro-life arguments.
  • Arrange petition-signing campaigns. Set a goal for signatures and keep working until that goal is attained.
  • Give gifts of thanks and congratulations to women who have “chosen life” by carrying their babies to term. On behalf of your council present new mothers with something as simple as the Knights of Columbus Congratulations Card (#2087, E, F, S, available at 25¢ each from the Supply department), or provide other practical gifts like diapers, food, blankets or clothing.
  • Consider donating Christmas gifts to newborns and their single mothers temporarily housed in shelters. Work with local social service agencies or programs that counsel women to keep their babies or place them for adoption.
  • Sponsor a “Tree for Life” program to collect baby items and supplies for unwed mothers and crisis pregnancy service centers.
  • Demonstrate publicly your pro-life stance by presenting savings bonds or other gifts to the first child born at your local hospital on Columbus Day or New Year’s Day.
  • Consider presenting roses from the council to all mothers attending Mass on Mother’s Day.
  • Pray the rosary to end abortion. This simple, yet effective act can have enormous impact. A poster urging the recitation of the rosary as a weapon against abortion (#2073) and a prayer card (#2072) are available at no charge from the Supply Department. Offer your rosaries publicly outside abortion clinics. Individuals or groups peacefully praying the rosary outside such facilities are highly visible and effective.

Find out what your local knights are doing.