//Knights in Action

Veterans National Memorial Remembrance Ceremony


Submitted by State Office, Photo credit: Bruce S. PoulinOn June 2, the first Knights on Bikes ride in support of our Veterans at the Beechwood National Military Cemetery took place in Ottawa. The Veterans National Memorial Remembrance Ceremony is an event that brings together Veterans and Canadian Armed Forces motorcycle enthusiasts and supporters, like the Knights on Bikes, to remember and commemorate Canada’s Fallen Veterans.

Veterans National Memorial Remembrance Ceremony 2024-06-14T18:50:19+00:00

Council 9528 End-of-Year General Meeting


Submitted by State Office, Photo credit: Bruce S. PoulinSt. John VianneyFor the first time since 2004, the members of Council 9528 were visited by a State Deputy. This end-of-year general meeting was special because our State Deputy informed all those at the meeting that, earlier today, we had reached our membership quota for Circle of Honour for the jurisdiction of Ontario. In fact, our membership tally is the best recruiting effort since 2008. What a great team effort and a great time to share the good news - some 17 days before the end of the fraternal year.

Council 9528 End-of-Year General Meeting 2024-06-14T14:10:54+00:00

Holy Hour Fatima Devotion


Submitted by GK Yolando FernandesSt. Barnabas CouncilMembers of the Knights of Columbus council 13785 along with their families participated in the Holy Hour Fatima Devotion on Thursday 13th June 2024 with holy mass at 7pm, followed by procession and Holy Eucharistic Adoration thereafter. Holy Mass was officiated by our Worthy Chaplin Fr. Fraser McLaren. Thanks to the Honor Guards that graced the occasion. As usual there were approx 250 parishioners in attendance. Thanks to all brother knights and their families that came together in harmony to celebrate our monthly Fatima Devotion.

Holy Hour Fatima Devotion 2024-06-13T00:00:00+00:00

State deputy Organizational Meeting in New Haven


Submitted by KofC Ontario State OfficeBetween June 7 and 9, our State Deputy attended the State Deputy Organizational Meeting in New Haven, Connecticut. It was here that all elected and re-elected State Deputies for the 2024-25 Fraternal Year throughout the Order had a chance to meet, receive their goals for next year and learn the latest leadership techniques, trends and share some success stories. Break out sessions were also used where groups of State Deputies could be better briefed and participate in the sessions. Saturday evening was a time to re-acquaint and renew old friendships among the State Deputies from 13 [...]

State deputy Organizational Meeting in New Haven 2024-06-12T16:18:46+00:00

St. Barnabas 48th Anniversary Celebration


Submitted by SK Yolando FernandesSt. Barnabas ParishSt. Barnabas Parish-Toronto, had a special mass at 9am, on Saturday 8th June 2024 celebrating its 48th Anniversary, with Knights of Columbus Honor Guards, followed by procession and Eucharistic Adoration thereafter. Members of Council 13785 came out early morning to assist with the setup of the tents, tables, chairs, the BBQ and preparation of the food (burgers, sausages, etc.). Brother knights also assisted with the clean up after the event which ended around 3.30pm. It was a day filled with music, games, raffle draws, lots of food and social mingling with our parish community and [...]

St. Barnabas 48th Anniversary Celebration 2024-06-08T00:00:00+00:00

Exemplification Ceremony


Submitted by Leo Mayer - Grand Knight.St. Benedict's Knights of Columbus.On June 1st, 2024, Twelve new members were inducted into the Knights of Columbus through an Exemplification ceremony in District 61, Sarnia, ON. The St. Benedict's KofC Council # 11164, St. Thomas d'Aquin Council # 8950 and W.E. Prentice Council # 1429 each recruited four new members. We welcome the new Knights to the Order.

Exemplification Ceremony 2024-06-03T14:39:47+00:00

Exemplification Ceremony


Submitted by Robert StakoracBl. Alojzija Cardinal Stepinac Croatian CouncilDuring an exemplification ceremony held at Holy Trinity Croatian Catholic Parish in Oakville, ON on June 3rd 2024, we graciously welcomed 13 new Knights to help us reach council status. We present to you Blessed Alojzija Cardinal Stepinac Croatian Council #18495. Special thanks to Brother GK Nevin Broz for his dedication and hard work!

Exemplification Ceremony 2024-06-03T00:00:00+00:00

Sts. Peter & Paul Council 11337's 30th Year Anniversary.


Submitted by Fred PolicarpioSts. Peter & Paul CouncilHappy 30th Anniversary of our Sts. PETER & PAUL Council 11337... Thanks to all who made 30 years possible. Also Thanks to all who helped make a great party! (In picture: ME GK Fred & my wife Myra)

Sts. Peter & Paul Council 11337's 30th Year Anniversary. 2024-06-01T00:00:00+00:00

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