BBQ – Senior's Home
Godwill Tengen 2024-07-10T00:00:00+00:00Submitted by Dale TuepahDr. J. F. DunnThe Knights of Council 5153 provided the burgers, hot dogs, bbq'd, served, & provided music for the residents & families of Fairview Manor in Almonte.
Submitted by Dale TuepahDr. J. F. DunnThe Knights of Council 5153 provided the burgers, hot dogs, bbq'd, served, & provided music for the residents & families of Fairview Manor in Almonte.
Submitted by Fred Policarpio Sts. Peter & Paul Council On July 9-23, 2024, Sts. Peter & Paul Parish sent 218 missionaries to work 1 or 2 weeks to help the needy in the Dominican Republic, Sosua area. We are proud to say our Council Sts. Peter & Paul #11337 sent twenty Knights to do various tasks! Thank you, Fr. Mario (standing far left in the photo), for bringing us closer to Jesus! Vivat Jesus!
Submitted by Ray Francoeur, Grand Knight St. Helen the Cross On Sunday June 23rd, we celebrated our tenth anniversary since the Council began in 2014. Council 15999 was started and lead by Grand Knight Br. SK Martin Marko, followed by Br. SK, George Savage, Br. Marcel VanRyuven and current Grand Knight Br. Ray Francoeur. Congratulations to all the brothers of Council 15999 for the tremendous support you have given to your Grand Knights and their leadership. On Thursday evening (June 27) at the home of Br. Marcel and his wife Caroline VanRyuven, brother Knights and invited guests sat [...]
Submitted by Ray Francoeur, Grand Knight St. Helen the Cross Congratulations to everyone who participated in completing five barbecues at our Catholic schools. Even with the staggering humidity we experienced in June and with the assistance of our fantastic women of St. Helen CWL, we had a tremendous and successful month. Photo opportunities were many, it was decided to publish only a few. We were at St. John, St. Mark - twice, St. Alexander and St. Anne Catholic Schools.
Submitted by State OfficeHoly RedeemerOn June 24, the award for Basketball Free Throw Ontario Finalist, Gabriella from St. Monica's junior school in Pickering, was presented by Worthy GK Mark DeSouza, Holy Redeemer Council 11729 at the School gathering.
Submitted by State Office, Photo credit: Bruce S. PoulinFrancis J. ClarkeCouncil 5350 in Harrow made the news with its church drive on Father's Day at St. Anthony of Padua Church. We thought we should share the article. Well Done to Grand Knight Reg Campbell and his recruiting team.
Submitted by Fred PolicarpioSts. Peter & Paul CouncilBrothers from our council are honoured with a morning tea & coffee for our community service, of sorting morning snacks, at one of our parish's grade school, St. Pio of Pietrelcina. Standing in the middle is Principal Andy Kwiecien.
Submitted by Fred PolicarpioSts. Peter & Paul CouncilCongratulations to Rachel for graduating grade 8 and for wining the Knights of Columbus Christian Achievement Award in your school, St. Pio of Pietrelcina. I(GK Fred) insisted on giving this award out myself… Because Rachel is an alter server in Sts. Peter & Paul Church ... and turns out to be someone I have shared my volunteer time with … She is very nice and polite. I found her to have patience and a strong personality. Level headed in times of difficulties. She truly practices Fr. Mario's Teachings of JOY. - Jesus First - [...]
Submitted by State Office, Photo credit: Bruce S. PoulinVisitation ParishOn June 14 more than 350 people from the local area came to the annual BBQ Steak dinner and draw hosted by Council 8783 in Comber. This annual event is the highlight of the year and raises considerable funds to help the parish
Submitted by Brother Hikmat Dandan Jesus the King The Fathers’ Day Picnic of Jesus the king Melkite Catholic Church is a beautiful occasion that no body from the parishioners miss. It was organized by the church on Sunday June 16th at Bruce Mills Picnic site in Stouffville. Jesus the King Council 15045 sponsored the rental of the three areas at Spruce Tree 1, 2, and 3. The Melkite community grilled and chilled, and the kids played. A cheque of $1000 was presented to Father Timothy Mikhail. Thanks for the support of OLG, Bingo World, and the City for making these community [...]