//Knights in Action

Membership Quota Award 2023-2024


Submitted by State Office: photo by: State Deputy Bruce S. Poulin.St. Clement Council.On May 10, Our State Deputy, accompanied by our State Chaplain, State Warden, and District Deputy, visited St. Clement Council 17725 in Ottawa to present their Grand Knight with their plaque for achieving first place in Division #6 regarding their membership intake for the past fraternal year. Congrats!

Membership Quota Award 2023-2024 2024-05-27T19:05:10+00:00

Council 11086 Church Drive


Submitted by State Office.St. AlphonsusSeveral Church Drives were underway throughout the province between May 24 and 26. One of them was held at St. Alphonsus Liguori in Peterborough where Fr. Joseph Simmy invited our Associate State Chaplain to co-celebrate Mass and our State Deputy to speak to the parishioners. This effort saw nine more Catholic men come forward and express an interest in joining the Knights of Columbus in Ontario at the end of Mass. More specifically, Council 11086 in Peterborough. Well done team!

Council 11086 Church Drive 2024-05-27T18:06:51+00:00

State Board Meeting in Ottawa


Submitted by State Office; Photo by Bruce S. Poulin, State Deputy.Following our participation in the March for Life (May 9), our State Board officers met in Ottawa to coordinate our action for the next two months and begin preparations for the 125th anniversary celebrations in the next Fraternal year. These are exciting times for the Order in Ontario.

State Board Meeting in Ottawa 2024-05-27T17:53:46+00:00

MIO #3 Leadership Meeting


Submitted by State Office; Photo by Bruce S. Poulin, State Deputy.On May 23, our State Deputy met with the senior leadership of the Knights of Columbus in the MIO #3 area - mostly Peterborough and Bowmanville. It was the first time our State Deputy has been to Peterborough and it was nice to have the local senior leadership and insurance agents gather in a social setting to meet.

MIO #3 Leadership Meeting 2024-05-27T15:38:48+00:00

Strategic Action Plan Workshop


Submitted by State Office; Photo by Bruce S. Poulin, State Deputy.The weekend of May 24-26, saw the senior leadership from the Ontario Knights of Columbus gather in Peterborough for their annual strategic action plan meeting for the upcoming 2024-25 fraternal year. Items discussed were the Monthly Membership Growth Calendar and the Strategic Action Plan Playbook from the Supreme Council.

Strategic Action Plan Workshop 2024-05-27T15:30:31+00:00

Ladies Appreciation Night for Assembly 860


Submitted by State Office; Photo by Bruce S. Poulin, State Deputy.On the evening of May 26, The first Assembly of the Knights of Columbus in Ontario, Cartier Assembly 860 in Ottawa, held its annual "Ladies Appreciation Night." Our State Deputy and Lady Zoye were able to attend and personally thank the ladies on behalf of all the Sir Knights from across the province for the great contribution our ladies make to the Order. Well done ladies!

Ladies Appreciation Night for Assembly 860 2024-05-27T14:43:02+00:00

Table of Wisdom hosted by Council 798


Submitted by Ontario State Council Ernest J. Wolff. On May 22, our State Deputy was made an honourary member of the Table of Wisdom club hosted by the members of Ernest J. Wolff Council 798 in Peterborough. This group of brother knights meet each week at the Council's lodgings to discuss matters of general interest. You will note the Fourth degree Knight doll (upper left hand corner) it used to be given to the council with the most members present at the semi-annual District Deputy meeting. Photo credit: Bruce S. Poulin

Table of Wisdom hosted by Council 798 2024-05-27T13:08:14+00:00

Exemplification at Council 9873 in Peterborough


Submitted by Ontario State Fr. Paul Costello. Our State Deputy visited Fr. Paul Costello Council 9873 in Peterborough to help with an exemplification of 12 members. This event was followed by a presentation on fraternal benefits by Field Agent Vincent D'Souza. Finally, our State Deputy presented Grand Knight, Ranald Pearson, with the much coveted Best Quota Overall award for his council for this past fraternal year. Last but not least, our State Deputy presented Council Membership Director, Edgardo T Panganiban, with his new KofC watch and ring. Brother Ed is the top recruiter in Ontario. He is credited with 45 new [...]

Exemplification at Council 9873 in Peterborough 2024-05-27T13:10:45+00:00

50/50 Raffle Grand Prize Winner Cheque Presentation


Submitted by State Office On May 17, our State Deputy visited St. Aidan Council #11332 in Scarborough to present the winner of the 50/50 Raffle with their cheque. On hand for the presentation were the members of the Council. Not surprisingly, this Council also holds the record for the most tickets sold which proves that you cannot win if you don't play. Congrats to the winner and for supporting the Knights of Columbus charity foundation.

50/50 Raffle Grand Prize Winner Cheque Presentation 2024-05-27T13:20:30+00:00

Find out what your local knights are doing.