//Knights in Action

Council 15999 Adopt a Road Program


Submitted by Ray Francoeur, Grand Knight St. Helen the Cross Six brothers attended our first of two annual Mountain Street clean up as agreed with the Region of Niagara Municipality. Many property owners were very appreciative of our service to the community and offered us cold bottled water as the weather was very warm and sunny. In attendance were Al Rizzuto (DGK), Emilio Murillo, Tom Shepherd, Brian Brace, Mario Durand and Ray Francoeur (GK) taking the photographs. We will be planning another clean up in October, after Thanksgiving to fulfill our obligation for 2024.  

Council 15999 Adopt a Road Program 2024-08-07T18:14:43+00:00

Council 15999 Street Barbecue at the Highland Park Drive


Submitted by Ray Ray Francoeur, Grand Knight St. Helen the Cross Our Council was requested to barbecue a fundraiser for Gillian Place which was coordinated by Mrs. Amalia Ryzinski and her team. She is a parishioner at St. Helen Church and has been organizing this event for three years running. This event was well received, as attendance and the weather was perfect. We were told that they raised $3,400 for Gillian Place. There were many attractions for children (bouncy castle, water tank dunk, face painting etc.) The people walking by, could not thank us enough for the service we provided with [...]

Council 15999 Street Barbecue at the Highland Park Drive 2024-08-07T18:12:37+00:00

50th Wedding Anniversary Celebration


Congratulations to S.K. Hughie O'Grady and Lady Rose (St. Joseph the Worker Council 9989 Oshawa) for celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary on Saturday July 27, 2024. State Treasurer, Joe Bodnar presented them with a congratulatory letter and certificate on behalf of our State Deputy, Bruce Poulin.

50th Wedding Anniversary Celebration 2024-07-30T14:20:06+00:00

Ontario Councils Support Ukrainian Orphanage in Poland


Submitted by Brother Hikmat Dandan Jesus the King Ontario councils donated generously through www.orphansforjesus.org to the Ukrainian Children Orphanage in Czestochowa in Poland which is run by Caritas and the Knights of Columbus. The Christian Refugee Relief Director, Brother Hikmat presented a $5000 cheque to the Worthy Ontario State Chaplain Archbishop Damphousse on the 20th July District Deputy workshop at the beginning of the new Fraternal year and thanked the major donors: ST. PAUL THE APOSTLE COUNCIL # 9652 (Kingston) $3000 OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP COUNCIL # 3515 (Woodstock) $1000 FATHER JOSEPH M BURKE ASSEMBLY 2335 (Ingersol) $500 Few other [...]

Ontario Councils Support Ukrainian Orphanage in Poland 2024-07-30T14:14:52+00:00

Sts. Peter & Paul Parish's 2024 Dominican Republic Mission Trip – Visit to a Pregnancey Crisis Center


Submitted by Fred PolicarpioSts. Peter & Paul CouncilBr. Robin & His family, visit a Pregnancy Crisis Center. (This was part of Sts. Peter & Paul (Mississauga) Parish's DR Mission Trip 2024. 218 missionaries visit various locations and perform missionary tasks like feed the poor, paint homes for the needy, move cinder block for the home builders.... and make new friends with the locals and fellow missionaries.)

Sts. Peter & Paul Parish's 2024 Dominican Republic Mission Trip – Visit to a Pregnancey Crisis Center 2024-07-18T00:00:00+00:00

Sleep in Heavenly Peace


Submitted by Carl Baillargeon Father Nicolas PiontOn Sunday July 14, 17 Council's from around Windsor and Essex County got together and helped Sleep in Heavenly Piece build beds for children in our area. Also helping where Brother Drew Dillingham from Knights of Columbus Supreme and Brother Dave Gelinas from Knights of Columbus Ontario State Council , and even the founder of SHP Luke Mickelson came from Twin Falls, Idaho for this event. A total of about 80 K of C members and Family helped. This was a great gathering of all the councils in the area. And would like Thank Brother [...]

Sleep in Heavenly Peace 2024-07-14T00:00:00+00:00

Holy Hour Fatima Devotion


Submitted by GK SK Yolando FernandesSt. Barnabas ParishMembers of St. Barnabas Council 13785 along with Honor Guards from Bishop Greco Assembly 2113 participated in the Holy Hour Fatima Devotion on Saturday 13th July 2024 at St. Barnabas Parish, followed by procession and Holy Eucharistic Adoration thereafter. There were approximately 500+ parishioners along with brother knights and their families. The event was officiated by Fr. Hansoo Park and assisted by new associate Pastor – Fr. Jeremy Zou. It was a day filled with many blessings bringing our community in faith to honour our Blessed Mother.

Holy Hour Fatima Devotion 2024-07-13T00:00:00+00:00

Helping Hands to St. Barnabas Youth Kingdom Camp BBQ Event


Submitted by GK SK Yolando FernandesSt. Barnabas Council St. Barnabas Council 13785 provided helping hands in support of the St. Barnabas Youth Kingdom Camp held in the Church parking lot. The Knights were requested by our Pastoral team to help set up the tents, tables, chairs & take charge of the BBQ. Brother Knights were on site from 3pm to 8pm preparing the BBQ and serving to over 500+ parishioners which included the parents of the youth. It was day filled with music, fun, dancing, interacting with the community and lots of food. Thanks to all Brother Knights that came out [...]

Helping Hands to St. Barnabas Youth Kingdom Camp BBQ Event 2024-07-12T00:00:00+00:00

Sts. Peter & Paul Parish's 2024 Dominican Republic Mission Trip


Submitted by Fred PolicarpioSts. Peter & Paul CouncilOur Chaplin & Pastor Fr. Mario, Mixing cement with a couple of young church parishioners. (This was part of Sts. Peter & Paul (Mississauga) Parish's DR Mission Trip 2024. 218 missionaries visit various locations and perform missionary tasks like feed the poor, paint homes for the needy, move cinder block for the home builders.... and make new friends with the locals and fellow missionaries.)

Sts. Peter & Paul Parish's 2024 Dominican Republic Mission Trip 2024-07-12T00:00:00+00:00

Find out what your local knights are doing.