Life 2023-10-11T19:03:22+00:00


National March for Life, Ottawa, Canada- May 12 2022 ,March for life Ottawa Photo By Jake Wright

National March for Life

The Knights of Columbus Ontario shows public support for the right to life. Councils in Ontario are encouraged to participate in or sponsor national Marches for Life.  

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Pregnancy Center Support Program

With aid from the Knights, pregnancy centers can offer support to help women choose life.

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“We must not believe the Evil One when he tells us that there is nothing we can do in the face of violence, injustice and sin” (Pope Francis, March 24, 2013) . As Catholics and Knights of Columbus, we are called to continually promote, develop and defend a Culture of Life that values life from the moment of conception to natural death.
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Roses for Life

The Roses for Life Program consists of distributing small roses, which attach to the lapel of jackets or coats. The program is designed to increase awareness of the Culture of Life / Pro-Life issues (for example abortion, euthanasia)
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Special Olympics

The Knights of Columbus in Ontario recognizes the importance of Post-Secondary School education so the Ontario State Chaplains Bursary program was established to award to 5 successful applicants each year a Bursary of $1,000.00 each. This program is available for YOUTH and ADULTS.
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