The Venerable Father Michael J. McGivney Honoris
Saint Patrick’s Basilica
281 Nepean Street
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
K1R 5G2
The Venerable Father McGivney Honoris Novena
What would the world be like without Fr McGivney? We are very fortunate to have benefited from Fr. McGivney’s vision. We all do our part to carry the banners of Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism.
From updates in the Columbia magazine, we all know that The Venerable Father McGivney’s cause for canonization is progressing well and that there is good chance that we will see him honored as a saint in the near future. As an organization founded by a (probable) saint, we should as an organization embody the spirituality of that saint and carry on his unique gifts to the Church.
What was Father McGivney’s spirituality? The first dimension in understanding Father McGivney is certainly his calling as a priest. Despite obstacles, he pursued his seminary education and after his ordination he faithfully served the Church. Part of his spirituality can be found in his priestly duties of administering the Sacraments.
In the mass, as it existed in Father McGivney’s time, the first thing the priest said after the opening Sign of the Cross was “Introibo ad altare Dei” – “I will go in unto the Altar of God.” The altar server then responded, “Ad Deum qui laetificat juventutem meam” – “to God, Who gives joy to my youth.” The priest and server could both be old men, and yet the response was always “to God, Who gives joy to my youth.” Father McGivney would have said these words every time that he celebrated mass, and likely taught altar servers to say them. These were also words that Father McGivney lived out. In all of his work as a pastor He made the words “God, Who gives joy to my youth” a reality for the families in his parish, as he lived out youthful joy.
This lively joy in his ministry should be part of the spirituality which our Order learns from Father McGivney. We must set aside any temptation to be cynical or pessimistic, and instead commit ourselves to emulating Father McGivney’s energy, passion, and humor.
What can you do for Father McGivney today? What can your council or your parish do in August? What can you do as a council or as a Knight and/or as a Catholic family?
This is your invitation to take part in a Novena for the Canonization of Father McGivney. It will run from August 6 to 14. It can be said privately or as a council.
Join your brother Knights from all around Ontario in this project. Be part of this Novena and be part of making a difference in praise of our founder.
For more information contact the Venerable Michael J. McGivney Honoris at our web site
Please join the Father McGivney Guild and support his cause for canonization. To sign up, please visit
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