Community Pillar
Coats for Kids
Overview. Beginning in 2008, the Knights in Ontario have raised funds to provide winter coats to children in need. Since then, tens of thousands of dollars have been raised and approximately 100,000 coats have been donated to the children throughout the province. The process is simple, donations are collected by local Knights of Columbus councils and the State Council, and bulk orders are made and then distributed through the various school boards before the onset of winter each year. Help us keep our children warm in the winter and get them in school.
Learn more
The members of the Knights of Columbus in Ontario have always understood the importance of education. It is one of the fundamental building blocks needed to turn students into citizens. Knights in Ontario have always supported separate schools since we were established on January 28, 1900, in Ontario.
But funding and supporting these schools is only one piece of the puzzle. Children must also be able to get to school in the Fall, Winter, and Spring. One of the growing obstacles is that many new Canadian children or children from underserved families do not have appropriate winter clothing, so they stay at home instead of going to school. Listen to some of the testimonials on how this program is making a difference in the lives of our school-aged children here.
Our State Deputy, Bruce Poulin, shares how the Knights in Ontario got involved in a big way
Growing up in the nation’s capital, I like every other kid in the neighborhood, experienced the cold, snowy winter season every year. We also went to school during the wintertime. Snow days were rare. I remember one winter while I was in High school, the bus drivers went on strike, and we had to walk to school. The distance between where I lived, and my school was about 1.5km one way.
That said, regardless of any teacher, bus driver and student strikes, the financial situation in our working-class family, or even how cold and snowy it got, we never missed classes because we did not have winter clothing. In fact, I cannot recall anyone missing school because they did not have winter clothing.
So, imagine my surprise when I joined the Knights in Ontario and heard about this Coats for Kids program for school children in Ontario! According to Statistics Canada, there were almost 6.5 million children under the age of seventeen in 2019. So, even a small fraction of these children without winter clothing can still be a huge absolute number and have a huge impact on the future of Canadian society.
What was very encouraging to me is the level of mobilization the Knights of Columbus in Ontario Coats for Kids program has garnered among the rank-and-file members of the Order in Ontario. Even the General Agents from the Knights of Columbus Insurance got involved in a big way to help make this program the signature charity of the Order in Ontario.
Three Ways You Can Help
Develop empathy by putting yourselves in these children’s shoes and wondering how they must feel when they cannot interact with their friends or go to school because they cannot go outside in the cold weather.
Talk about it with your family friends and neighbors and see how you can help our children and our schools promote education.
Donate to the Knights of Columbus in Ontario and get them the resources we need to sustain its Coats for Kids program.
Always remember, investing in our children every year means turning your donations into priceless smiles for the many children who may now go outside with their friends and go to school to learn and become agents of change themselves for a more civil society during the winter months.
Be a Hero and Change a Life!
or purchase a box of winter coats
Standard Prepacks
*Note, we will attempt to meet your request, but due to logistics, this may not always be possible.
Thank you for your understanding.
Girls Children Coats – Sizes 4-6x fits Toddler to Grade 2
Boys Children Coats – Sizes 4-7 fits Toddler to Grade 2
Girls Youth Coats – Sizes 7-16 fits Grades 2 to Grade 7
Boys Youth Coats – Sizes 8-18 fits Grades 2 to Grade 7
Girls TEEN Coats – Sizes S-XL
Boys TEEN Coats – Sizes S-XL
ADULT Female Coats – Sizes S-XXL
ADULT Male Coats – Sizes S-XXXL
Each Box Contains: 12 Mixed Styles and Mixed Sizes Coats. Click for product overview
Coats specifically designed for Canadian Winters
WIND & WATER RESISTANT – PVC Coated Nylon Jackets
Includes shipping and handling
Donors (August 2023 – March 2024)
Thank you donors for your generous donations and support.
Merci aux donateurs pour leurs généreux dons et leur soutien.
Ridgetown Storage Depot
TSC Masonry LTD.
The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul (Ridgetown, ON)
Noelville Lions Club
Participating Councils and Assemblies

Gold Donors
5 boxes or more
Council 7332 – Bishop Norman Gallagher
Council 1388 – Toronto
Council 10843 – St. George’s Parish
Council 1531 – Bishop N.Z. Lorrain
Council 13417 – St. Lawrence the Martyr
Council 1394 – St. Catharines
Council 4916 – Msgr. Paul J. Meyer
Council 4501 – St. Michael’s
Council 6161 – Father John T. Bolger
Council 10402 – St. John Fisher
Council 11681 – Blessed Trinity
Council 13443 – St. Padre Pio
Council 10009 – St. Ann’s
Council 485 – Pioneer
Council 5860 – Fr. Carlo Bianchi Upper Hamilton
Council 8950 – St. Thomas Aquinas
Council 9235 – Rev. Clair Tipping
Council 9528 – St. John Vianney
Council 11500 – Sainte Marie d’Orléans
Council 11525 – St. Joseph Highland Creek
Council 8549 – Notre-Dame
Council 11729 – Holy Redeemer
Council 12453 – St. Catherine of Siena
Council 17065 – Blessed Frederic Ozanam
Council 5571 – Eastview-Vanier
Council 7744 – Fr. Ladislaus
Council 10370 – St. John Vianney
Council 12372 – St. Christopher’s
Council 13461 – Mater Ecclesiae
Council 14446 – Mary Mother of God
Council 15999 – St. Helen of the Cross
Council 1467 – Fr Ernest Deslippe
Council 1507 – William J. Sheady
Council 6091 – Father William Fitzgerald
Council 6246 – Ecumenical 70
Council 8668 – Our Lady of Peace
Council 8919 – Father Paul J.F. Wattson
Council 11337 – Sts. Peter & Paul
Council 12782 – St. Patrick’s
Council 12916 – St. Eugene De Mazenod
Council 755 – Ontario
Council 1429 – Wm. E. Prentice
Council 5005 – St-Jacques
Council 7008 – Beaches
Council 13781 – La Cathedrale Notre Dame Cathedral

Silver Donors
2-4 boxes
Council 932 – Superior
Council 1007 – North Bay
Council 11164 – St. Benedict’s
Council 1431 – Kilroy
Council 1626 – Barrie
Council 2146 – St. Francis of Assisi
Council 3515 – Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Council 4189 – Our Lady of Sorrows
Council 4499 – Mary Immaculate
Council 5068 – St. Lawrence
Council 5420 – Father Nagle
Council 5925 – Orléans
Council 6052 – St. Jude
Council 6198 – Rhéal Franche
Council 6361 – St. Joseph-Bowmanville
Council 6664 – East Ferris
Council 7464 – Fr. M. Shashkevych
Council 7570 – All Saints
Council 8309 – Msgr. Gerard Breen
Council 8611 – St. Mary of the People
Council 9005 – Good Shepherd
Council 9544 – Holy Redeemer
Council 9557 – St. Volodymyr the Great
Council 9929 – St-Félix de Valois
Council 9989 – St. Joseph
Council 10102 – St. Michael’s
Council 10561 – St. Pius X
Council 11332 – St. Aidan’s
Council 11826 – Holy Angels
Council 12909 – St. Martin De Porres
Council 13442 – St. Basil’s
Council 14421 – Immaculate Heart of Mary
Council 6217 – Canon John Burke (1 box donated by Barry Nicholls)
Council 1679 – Brantford
Council 3909 – Rev. J.E. Regan
Council 4917 – Our Lady of the Lake
Council 6740 – St-Gabriel
Council 8008 – Centennial
Council 8435 – St. Raphael
Council 8661 – Credit Valley
Council 9551 – St. Ursula
Council 13405 – Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Council 14358 – Pope John Paul II
Council 17476 – St. Jude College Council (Carlton U)
Council 1387 – Father Brian McKee
Council 1453 – Windsor Most Precious Blood
Council 1916 – Renfrew
Council 1926 – St. Gertrude’s
Council 2356 – Monsignor A.J. McNabb
Council 3349 – Msgr. J.H. Touchette
Council 3387 – Kingsway
Council 3881 – Marian
Council 4375 – Father Nicholas Point
Council 4435 – St. David
Council 4555 – St. John the Evangelist
Council 5144 – St. Joseph’s
Council 5558 – Luke Hart
Council 6579 – Msgr. J. Francis Hinchey
Council 6777 – Holy Rosary
Council 7368 – Paul VI
Council 7743 – Ste-Thérèse d’Avila
Council 7873 – Divine Infant
Council 8233 – St. John de Brebeuf
Council 8435 – St. Raphael
Council 8783 – Visitation Parish
Council 8911 – Father Walsh
Council 9295 – Father Regis St. James
Council 9619 – Saint-Dominique
Council 9671 – Father Victor C. Cote
Council 9793 – St. Therese
Council 9873 – Fr. Paul Costello
Council 9922 – Notre-Dame du Rosaire
Council 10617 – Holy Cross
Council 10631 – Monsignor Walter Hawkins
Council 10655 – Father Aloysius Nolan
Council 11053 – St. John the Divine
Council 11219 – St. Alexander’s
Council 11271 – St. Patrick’s
Council 11559 – Sainte Agnes
Council 11891 – Corpus Christi
Council 12124 – Saint George’s
Council 12143 – Christ The King
Council 12401 – Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal
Council 12494 – Mother Teresa
Council 12745 – Regina Mundi
Council 12859 – St. Anthony of Padua
Council 13335 – St. Peter’s – Maronite
Council 13701 – Resurrection of Our Lord
Council 14662 – St. Philip Neri
Council 14749 – St. Gianna
Council 15045 – Jesus the King Arab Christian
Council 15333 – St. Mary and St. Joseph
Council 15861 – San Damiano
Council 16003 – St. Mary’s Council
Council 16005 – St. Theresa the Little Flower
Council 17830 – Saint Pascal Baylon

Bronze Donors
1 box
Council 1130 – Leo
Council 1447 – Fort William
Council 4386 – Holy Family
Council 8602 – Our Lady of Charity
Council 8668 – Our Lady of Peace
Council 8715 – St-Joseph
Council 9049 – Père Paradis
Council 9422 – Notre Dame des Champs
Council 9780 – St. Anthony & St. Michael’s
Council 10619 – St. Martin of Tours
Council 10888 – Holy Redeemer
Council 11268 – St. Francis of Assisi
Council 14727 – St. Joseph Protector of the Church
Council 16254 – St. Faustina
Council 16714 – St. Augustine’s
St. Joseph Assembly 2079
Dear Friend of Dr. Davey School:
It is with much gratitude that we thank you for your generous donation. As you know, many of our families depend on people like you. We appreciate you taking the time out of your busy schedule to think of us.
Thank you so much!
Gerry Smith
Principal, staff and students of Dr. J. Edgar Davey School
Dear Knights of Columbus, Bouvier Agency :
On behalf of the St. Michael Catholic Elementary School Community, we extend a heartfelt thanks to the Knights of Columbus for their generous donations of winter coats for some of our students.
As you may know, ours is an Equal Opportunity school with several families who require ongoing financial support. Through the generous support of various community agencies, we continue to offer our students nutritional snacks throughout the day. Some of our families receive additional food items for the weekend to help sustain their household needs.
We are proud to have a large number of English as a Second Language students who have fled their country of origin to seek a more safe and stable life. As newcomers, most of these families come with very little resources and limited supplies. Your generous donation of over 30 coats was an absolute blessing for these students. The following are some testimonials from the students themselves:
- “It was a great experience when we got our new coats! I think every family was thankful for your help and support. I felt like I was welcomed to the school and I have been to other schools but St. Michael School really helped my family and other families. We are really thankful”. Ninwa A.
- “I was very happy when I got my coat. I couldn’t believe that someone that did not know me would give me something so wonderful. Thank-you, Knights of Columbus!”. Mareo S.
- “I love my new coat! It made me feel so happy. Thank-you!” Vani A.
- “It was really nice for you to give us coats and to help peo0ple that need it. Thank-you very much for coming and give us the coats”. Maryam
- “I felt very happy when I received my coat. I really needed a new coat because I did not have one. I knew that winter was coming. Thank-you so much!” John A.
As you can see, any support we give these children is received with much appreciation. It was such a wonderful experience to see the smiles on the faces of these children as they received their brand new coat.
Please extend our appreciation to your entire council and agency.
God Bless,
Mrs. M.J. Rossi
November 14, 2016
Dear Neil:
I would like to thank you and your fellow members of the Knights of Columbus for your generosity and goodness. The coats you donated will be of great assistance to hundreds of students in our schools.
Not only will they and their families appreciate the coats they will receive but as well will benefit from the tremendous example you provide.
Our Catholic School System and the students we serve has benefitted on numerous occasions from the selfless service of the Knights of Columbus. The Coats for Kids campaign is but the most recent example of how the fruits of your goodness will make a real difference in the lives of young people in our community.
Please know that your wonder act of giving/mercy is very much appreciated.
Yours very truly,
Patrick J. Daly, Chairperson of the Board
Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board
“The Office for Refugees at the Diocese of Hamilton was very grateful to receive a generous donation of winter coats from the Knights of Columbus “Coats for Kids” campaign in early 2016.
The Diocese of Hamilton welcomed more than 100 new Permanent Residents to Canada through our refugee sponsorship program in 2016. In a global community where more than 50% of the world’s refugees are children and youth, many of the refugees sponsored through our program are of school-age, in need of warmth, love, support, shelter, clothing, etc.
In 2016, the Government of Canada provided winter clothing and wear to Syrian newcomers, but other refugee groups were not provided this same support. In this context particularly, the Knights of Columbus initiative played a pivotal role in filling this gap, providing much needed warmth and care to very special young members of our Canadian community.
The value and appreciation of all of the newcomer families that benefited from the generosity of the Knights of Columbus “Coats for Kids” campaign in 2016 cannot be overstated. And, I speak for all families in the pipeline to arrive in Canada this chilly winter season when I say: “thank you for your kindness in caring to keep our children warm”. For, it is only when our children are warm and safe that they are truly free to smile, to play, to thrive.
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Hamilton
Erin Pease, Director, Office for Refugees
January 16, 2016
Dear Mr. Nat Gallo, Brother Knights and Bouvier Agency
With much gratitude, I write this note to thank you and your Brother Knights for your generous contribution of new winter coats for our students at St. Brigid Catholic Elementary School.
As the season of Advent allowed us to prepare spiritually through our promises to Jesus, your generosity has modelled a corporal work of mercy, helping those in need. This made a significant difference in lives of our students.
Your support as a community partner helped to lessen the burden felt by our families trying to provide for their children. Within our economically challenged community we are blessed to have supports in place to assist our children to be ready to learn. We depend on nutrition programs, clothing swap shop, eye glass program and various opportunities to attend events through community sponsorship to help provide for our families.
Our student council leaders and staff advisors were delighted to meet you and receive such a wonderful surprise. Your generous donation of new coats brought much excitement to our students, as they chose new coats: “Thanks, Now, I have a coat of my very own.” “Wow, this is awesome, Thanks.” “Thank you this is my favourite colour, like my friend” “Now, I will be warm for the winter, my Mom will be happy. Thank you” We also received some messages of appreciation from parents for your thoughtful support. The community was truly moved by your spirit of generosity.
Once again, thank you for your very generous support of our students, providing warmth of a new coat as well as emotional support in a time of need. As a school community, we pray that God will continue to bless the Knights of Columbus as Catholic leaders living the Gospel through their generous spirit and altruistic endeavors.
God Bless With much appreciation,
Patricia Akers
Knights in Ontario are leaving no neighbor behind by distributing coats to the children of the Constance Lake First Nation community.
Help a child stay warm this winter. The coats box of 12 winter coats is $345 (includes shipping and handling).
Help a child stay warm this winter. Buy a box of Knights of Columbus winter coats.
Spreading the Warmth
There are school kids in Ontario who simply do not have a winter coat. We aim to fix this problem.
Standard Prepacks
*Note, we will attempt to meet your request, but due to logistics, this may not always be possible.
Thank you for your understanding.
Girls Children Coats – Sizes 4-6x fits Toddler to Grade 2
Boys Children Coats – Sizes 4-7 fits Toddler to Grade 2
Girls Youth Coats – Sizes 7-16 fits Grades 2 to Grade 7
Boys Youth Coats – Sizes 8-18 fits Grades 2 to Grade 7
Girls TEEN Coats – Sizes S-XL
Boys TEEN Coats – Sizes S-XL
ADULT Female Coats – Sizes S-XXXL Out of Stock
ADULT Male Coats – Sizes S-XXXL Out of Stok
Each Box Contains: 12 Mixed Styles and Mixed Sizes Coats. Click for product overview
Coats specifically designed for Canadian Winters
WIND & WATER RESISTANT – PVC Coated Nylon Jackets
Includes shipping and handling
For cheque payment, complete the online order form, print and mail it along with your cheque to
Ontario State Office – Coats for Kids Program.
To order using a downloadable PDF form, click and fill out the forms below, save and email it to [email protected]
To order using a downloadable PDF form, click and fill out the forms below, save and email it to [email protected]