/Christmas Message 2018
Christmas Message 2018 2020-12-22T17:32:25+00:00

Christmas 2018 Message

As Christmas draws close during this Advent Season, we are reminded as to what is important in life –that is our family through the example of the Holy Family and the birth of Jesus.

It is easy during the year to get caught up in the busyness of life, in our jobs, families, professions and the day to day ‘Hussle and Bustle’ of what the world throws at us.  So as 2018 is coming to an end, I have been reflecting on what we have accomplished as a KofC family, and what our future holds.

There have been many Changes.  Change can be difficult, but I am proud of the way you, my brothers, along with your families have embraced the Faith in Action Program which was designed to help us live out our faith, involve our families, and to make our Order more appealing to our younger generation.

Yes, Together we can Grow the KofC in Ontario with changing attitudes and a welcome smile!

We have six (6) months left in this fraternal year.   I am urging you to offer the gift of membership in the KofC family to every man you know.  We have many New and Exciting Programs as part of the Faith in Action where men can live out their Faith while being involved in many worthwhile Service Programs.

Let’s not “hide our light under a bushel basket but place it on a Lampstand for all to see”.

Let’s achieve Circle of Honour once again this year and have Ontario place number ONE in our Division and in Canada.

I wish you and your families a very Happy and Holy Christmas, and may the New Year be filled with Prosperity and Good Health.

Vivat Jesus

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