//Knights in Action

Food for Families


Submitted by Paul O'NeillSt. Bahnam Council 17627St Bahnam Council 17627 organized a Food for Family Drive with a decorated box requesting donation at the entrance to the Church. The donations were Collated by Council members for distribution for Christmas

Food for Families 2024-12-02T00:00:00+00:00

Council 8585 in Ottawa Spaghetti Dinner


Submitted by Bruce S. Poulin, State DeputyCouncil 8585On November 8, our State Deputy paid a visit to his old Council 8585 in Vanier where he served as their Grand Knight. It was nice to see the Friday spaghetti dinners back in force. Almost 100 people turned out in this small community Church. Renewing old friendships through these kinds of activities is yet another way to put our Faith in action and raise funds. Le 8 novembre dernier, notre député d’État a rendu visite à son ancien Conseil 8585 à Vanier, où il a agi à titre de Grand Chevalier. C’était agréable [...]

Council 8585 in Ottawa Spaghetti Dinner 2024-11-29T14:39:10+00:00

Holy Redeemer Coats for Kids Program Donation


Submitted by Bruce S. Poulin, State DeputyHoly Redeemer Council 9544 By most accounts our Coats for Kids program will break last year's record of 11,017 coats that were distributed. Members of Holy Redeemer Council #9544 in Kanata are contributing to this year's success. This past week, for example, they donated seven boxes of brand new winter coats to the Catholic Centre for Immigrants in Ottawa. Two boxes were purchased with Council funds while the other 5 boxes were funded by individual Knights out of their own pockets. As you can see by the photos, CCI was quite “over the moon” to [...]

Holy Redeemer Coats for Kids Program Donation 2024-11-28T14:43:58+00:00

Annual Church Drive at Council 11500


Submitted by Bruce S. Poulin, State DeputyCouncil 11500Our State Deputy was invited to lead the Church Drive effort at Council 11500 in Orleans on the weekend of November 23-24. After three masses, the team had collected nine prospects - a new record for the Council. Well done everyone. Notre député d’État a été invité à diriger l’effort de recrutement au Conseil 11500 à Orléans la fin de semaine du 23 et 24 novembre. Après trois messes, l’équipe avait recueilli neuf espoirs un nouveau record pour le Conseil. Bravo à tous.

Annual Church Drive at Council 11500 2024-11-28T14:37:43+00:00

Hot Dog Lunch for Parishioners at Council 12309 in Railton


Submitted by Bruce S. Poulin, State DeputySt. Patrick Council 12309On the third Sunday of every month. members of St. Patrick Council 12309 prepare and serve a hot dog lunch to the parishioners of st Patrick's Church in Railton. On November 17, our State Deputy attended the event where he gave out some oven mitts as door prizes and spoke to them about the upcoming events that will be scheduled in the Ottawa area to mark our 125th anniversary.

Hot Dog Lunch for Parishioners at Council 12309 in Railton 2024-11-27T15:08:22+00:00

Council 12067 Church drive in Mississauga


Submitted by Bruce S. Poulin, State DeputyCouncil 12067Another weekend means another church drive somewhere in Ontario. On November 16 and 17, the recruiting team from St. Francis Xavier Council 12067 in Mississauga had the help of our State Deputy to conduct their first Church Drive in 7 years. By the time they had finished al of their church drives for the weekend they had recruited 14 members and another 21 prospects. Star Council is now within their grasp. What a great effort from and great team. Well done brother Knights.

Council 12067 Church drive in Mississauga 2024-11-27T15:00:39+00:00

Blue Mass at Sts Mary and Martha in Mississauga


Submitted by Bruce S. Poulin, State DeputyFor the first time in seven years, a blue mass was hosted by the Knights of Columbus for first responders, police and our military veterans at Sts. Mary and Martha Church in Mississauga on November 16. It was a nice tradition that was always appreciated by the community, and it was a much anticipated return of a tradition that was sorely missed for several years. Congrats on our brother Knights for bringing the event back to the community.

Blue Mass at Sts Mary and Martha in Mississauga 2024-11-27T14:52:02+00:00

Council 3881 75th Anniversary


Submitted by Bruce S. Poulin, State DeputyCouncil 3881On November 15, our State Deputy had the honour of attending the 70th Anniversary celebration of Council 3881 in Oakville. The event was a resounding success, with over 250 attendees gathering to mark this special occasion. The evening's highlights included recognition of three remarkable milestones: Bishop Crosby's 50 years of service to the clergy, Father Louis Lenssen's 50th Anniversary of his ordination of being a priest and Brother Terry Mulloy's 50 years of continuous service to the Knights of Columbus.

Council 3881 75th Anniversary 2024-11-25T15:13:04+00:00



Submitted by Hikmat Michel DandanJesus the KingYou are the "Good Samaritans of these days" Canada Melkite Catholic Eparchial Bishop Milad addressed the Knights of Columbus members in the Cathedral of Transfiguration. The Jerusalem Students 2024 annual Mass was held in the Cathedral of the Transfiguration, Markham. His Eminence Archbishop Emeritus Cardinal Thomas Collins and the Canada Melkite Catholic Bishop His Excellency Milad El Jawich presided on the Mass with Monsignor Makarios Wehbi, the pastor of Jesus the King Melkite Catholic Church. The Chief Knights of Columbus dignitary and speaker was the Deputy Supreme Knight Arthur Peters. The Honor Guard which glorified [...]


Lasagna Dinner


Submitted by Dale TuepahDr. J. F. DunnThe Knights of Carleton Place/Almonte served up a Lasagna Dinner to 130 patrons. There were15 members including our Chaplain Fr. Stéphane Pouliot of St. Mary's CP and 5 wives working the event. Our DD30 Barry Nicholls and his wife Myrna were in attendance along with Fr. Cyprian Adibe of Holy Name of Mary in Almonte.

Lasagna Dinner 2024-11-24T00:00:00+00:00

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