//Knights in Action

Time Capsule – September 7, 202


On September 7, members from councils 2004 and 1627, along with State Board officers, Directors, and KofC insurance agents, gathered at St. Margaret's Church to witness the blessing of our first ever KofC time capsule. Our State Deputy wanted us to bury a time capsule at the base of the Caragouha Cross to mark our 125th anniversary in 2025 at the same time as the rededication of the Cross. Before the time capsule was buried, an official ceremony was held with all the items being blessed of our State Chaplain.

Time Capsule – September 7, 202 2024-09-09T17:57:01+00:00

Honoring a Legacy


Ontario Knights restore the graves of past leaders as they prepare to celebrate the jurisdiction’s 125th anniversary. By Cecilia Engbert Knights of Columbus Knightline Magazine Ontario State Deputy Bruce Poulin sat in front of a tombstone in Notre Dame Cemetery on Aug. 12, repainting the faded epitaph of Father John O’Gorman, a founding member of the first K of C council in Ontario. It was the third tombstone he had repainted in the Ottawa cemetery, and each one took a tedious three hours to complete. But Poulin didn’t mind; he was just one Knight honoring another. Poulin finished his painting just in time [...]

Honoring a Legacy 2024-09-03T13:47:09+00:00

Jesus the King Council Supports the Canadian Melkite Youth Convention


Submitted by Hikmat Michel Dandan Jesus the King Council 15045 Under the theme of “FOREGIVENESS, seventy times seven” (Matthew 18:21-35) the convention was organized by the Melkite Catholic Eparchy of Canada and Our Lady of Assumption Melkite Catholic Church in Hamilton at the Sheraton Hotel. The purpose of the Canadian Melkite Youth Convention is to gather the Melkite youth from all over Canada around Christ, to form true Christian leaders and missionary apostles filled with zeal and courage to spread the word of God. The aim is also to create rich bonds of friendship, cooperation and partnership between young people from [...]

Jesus the King Council Supports the Canadian Melkite Youth Convention 2024-09-11T01:34:52+00:00

July 14’th BBQ


Submitted by Raffi Lemma, Grand Knight Mother Teresa Council "The Knights of Council 12099 would like to thank the parishioners at St. Andrew's Catholic Church (Toronto, ON) for their strong support of the Barbecue event on Sunday July 14th. We raised approximately $700, and $250 was donated to the church building fund. We look forward to doing more events in the future. A job well done to all the brothers who volunteered for this wonderful community event!"

July 14’th BBQ 2024-08-28T17:03:56+00:00

District Deputy Organizational Meeitng, District 101


Submitted by Roger RichardDistrict Deputy 101Monday, August 26, 2024, District 101 had their Organizational Meeting. Eech Council had at least to 4 representatives from each Council of District 101. Included at the meeting were our State Deputy Bruce, Father Ricardo from Council 17484 and our Field Agent, Vincent D'Souza. Make the call works

District Deputy Organizational Meeitng, District 101 2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00

Winter Coats for Kids Donation Drive


Submitted by GK SK Yolando FernandesSt. Barnabas CouncilBrother knights of council 13785 held a Winter Coats for Kids donation drive after all the weekend masses on Sat 24th Aug and Sun 25th Aug’24 in the church narthex. Thanks to the generous donations from the parishioners and brother knights, we were able to collect a total of 66 coats, which will be distributed to the poor children in our local community. We thank our pastoral team, our parishioners, and everyone involved for their support and generosity towards a worthy cause.

Winter Coats for Kids Donation Drive 2024-08-25T00:00:00+00:00

Sts. Peter & Paul Parish Dominican Republic Mission Trip


Submitted by Fred Policarpio, Grand Knight Sts. Peter & Paul Council Congratulations to Br. Sandro for raising enough money to buy a house for a needy family in Sosua, Dominican Republic. This was part of Sts. Peter & Paul (Mississauga) Parish's Drive Mission Trip 2024. There were 218 missionaries including members of visit various locations and performed missionary tasks like feed the poor, paint homes for the needy, move cinder block for the home builders…. and make new friends with the locals and fellow missionaries.

Sts. Peter & Paul Parish Dominican Republic Mission Trip 2024-08-15T18:32:01+00:00

Retreat – To prepare for BL. Michael J. McGivney's Feast Day


Submitted by Fred PolicarpioSts. Peter & Paul CouncilKnights of Sts Peter & Paul 11337 attend Regina Mundi's Retreat Event to prepare for BL. Michael J. McGivney's Feast Day. (The day included Praise & Worship, Holy Rosary, Way of the Cross and ending with Sunday Mass.

Retreat – To prepare for BL. Michael J. McGivney's Feast Day 2024-08-11T00:00:00+00:00

Find out what your local knights are doing.