//Message from SK Hikmat Dandan, Past Grand Knight
Submitted by

Worthy Ontario State Squires Director, Dear Brother Joe,

I want to personally thank you for giving me the opportunity to be the special guest speaker at the 63rd Annual Squires Convention at the Holiday Inn on Friday/Saturday 2nd, 3rd of June. I am attaching the speech that I delivered under the title: The Squires are the future of the Knights of Columbus and the Jerusalem Students are the future of The Holy Land. Many attending families, knights and young squires were very interested, asked questions and took brochures. The very moving part was on Saturday in the 4:30 Mass, when the Provincial Father Prior Jacques Labelle of the Ontario Squires announced in the mass that the collection will be for the purpose that the Ontario squires will be sponsoring a needy Christian student in the Holy Land under the Jerusalem Students project. My eyes could not help but shed couple of tears. I would like to thank the reverend father and yourself for your kindness and love for the Holy Land.

It was Pentecost and I tell you the Holy Spirit came down and opened more doors for the project. Vivat Iesus.


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