//William E. Prentice Council 1429
Submitted by Norman Monteiro, G.K.

Over $ 2,000 was raised for Sarnia’s St. Joseph’s Hospice, by 3 fine gentlemen on their bicycles. The 3 riders – Financial Secretary Dave Pirt, Rick Smith and Joe Van Dinther along with Dave Howson, one of the support crew. Missing is Maggie Pataki. Also in the picture is Grand Knight Norman Monteiro.

In about 12 hours they cycled about 300 kilometres to places that ranged between Sarnia, London, Goderich and many places in between. They not only cycled but also got the money through pledges they obtained by themselves! Supporting them in this endeavor were Maggie Pataki and Dave Howson.

In an associated development, this endeavor was featured by the Supreme office in the monthly magazine “Columbia”. Follow the link for more details.



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