Holy Hour Fatima Devotion
    Submitted by GK SK Yolando Fernandes
    St. Barnabas Council

    Members of the the Knights of Columbus St. Barnabas Council 13785, together with Bishop Charles P Greco Assembly 2113 participated and celebrated in the Holy Hour Our Lady of Fatima Devotion on Thursday July 13th 2023 at St. Barnabas Parish, Scarborough-ON.

    The Holy Hour Fatima Devotion started in May’23 and is held every 13th of the month until October’23. There were a total of 8 Honor Guards & the celebrant was Worthy Chaplain Fr. Fraser McLaren, assisted by Deacon Paul Djaja. After holy mass, there was a procession outside the church compound, followed by Eucharistic Adoration thereafter, inside the church.

    Thanks to all Brother Knights, their families, as well as the parishoners and other ministries, that were in attendance, and in particular to those brother knights that were part of the Honor Guard. It was an uplifting spiritual experience.


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