//Knights in Action
Submitted by Keith Fraser

I am attending Brock University to become a construction technology teacher. During my first placement, while volunteering at the Bennett Centre, I got to talking with a fellow who is an immense Chicago Black Hawks fan. He escorted me to his room, at the nursing home, to see all his memorabilia. Gerry knew that I was working in a shop environment as a student teacher, going through my first placement, and asked if I could take his personal cribbage board, which was a prized possession of his for several years, and plane the surface down and refinish the board.
The next day at school, I asked a young student, Adam, if he would like to help me clean up Gerry’s cribbage board and finish it for him. To my surprise, Adam wanted to take it upon himself to finish the board on his own time. Knowing that Gerry was a massive Chicago Black Hawks fan, Adam decided that he wanted to burn the Black Hawks logo onto the cribbage board that he already sanded down and made good. I wanted to get into teaching to help young people achieve their goals. In meeting a young man like Adam, it just reinforced my love for teaching and reiterated that I have chosen the right path.
Today we do not understand the amount of great youth there are in our communities, and as Knights it is our responsibility to mentor them and bring out their best qualities. Adam not only burned the Chicago Black Hawks logo on to the board, but also found a finish that matched the already existing finish. Adam took it upon himself to please a wheelchair bound senior, who he never met before, because he wanted to contribute to a glimpse of happiness for Gerry. A lot of elders do not believe that the youth hold the same values that their generation did, but in working with this young man, I believe that there is a lot of hope for our future. 
Keith Fraser,
DGK Council 6026


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