Submitted by Hikmat Michel Dandan
Jesus the King Arab Christian Council 15045


Due to the pandemic and for 2 years, Jesus The King Church had to cancel its famous summer festival that had received the KOFC BEST OVER ALL COMMUNITY AWARD in 2019. The church council headed by Eli Moussaed decided to do the festival regardless of the result so that the Middle Eastern Christian communities get together again in a joyful atmosphere after two years of isolation. Jesus The King Knights of Columbus Council with guidance from Grand Knight Jack Bishara decided to support the event with all its volunteers and their ladies and donated a free TEE SHIRT to every one of the volunteers. Many were Knights. The theme of the TEE was THE DABKE MUST GO ON. Dabke is the local folkloric dance in the Middle East which means STUMP your feet to the beat. The idea was that regardless of the pandemic, social life and getting together should go on. All the planning of the event that usually starts many months before was done in one month only. Bro. Eli Gideon arranged the new premises at the Good Shepherd Chaldean Cathedral. He also organized an exciting entertainment program with Nasri from Magic and the famous Knight Ziad and various singers and shows. Lady Rita Gideon organized the Middle Eastern kitchen serving gourmet menu from Shawarma, Falafel, Zaatar (Thyme pizza) and many other delicacies. Bro. Hikmat, aided by Bro Don, Bro Elias took care of the selling of the Festival Raffle tickets and his daughter designed the TEE SHIRT and volunteered for doing face painting for the children. Many of the prizes were donated by Moussaed Family. Bro. Anis and Lady Leila donated a Travel Voucher from the Travel Desk. Bro Zuhair garage in Oakville was also a major sponsor. The Grand Knight family donated a note book. Rachel the church secretary took care of the digital marketing that went to all the Middle Eastern Christian communities in the GTA. The event was blessed with the Most Reverend Canada Melkite Eparchial Bishop Milad El Jawich and Monsignor Makarios who attended the event. It was a beautiful week end of yummy cuisine and Dabke and Belly dance till late night, attended by approximately 4000 visitors. The event was supported by major Middle Eastern successful businesses: ADONIS, WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS PLUS, TRANS ONTARIO EXPRESS, SURETRACK GROUP, A.OK AUTO CENTRE, THE TRAVEL DESK, CLASSIC JEWELLERY, GHADIR.

If any of our brother knights or their councils would like to donate towards the rebuilding of Jesus the King Melkite Catholic Church, please contact Bro. Hikmat, the Ontario Christian Refugee Relief State Director at 416- 893 8060 or email: knightsofcolumbus@hotmail.com or visit my www.christianrefugeerelief.org, it is a Faith project and your council will earn credits towards your Columbian or Star Awards. Also, tax receipts will be issued.  Vivat Iesus


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