Since COVID-19 has arrived it has changed our lives in many ways, it has also affected our Council 1970 and its ability to continue fund raising to assist with the day-to-day continuation of your Council 1970. After some discussion it was agreed by our executive, to try something new, a drive thru dinner. Never tried before but with our backs against the wall, the birth of new ideas.
In November we had our first Drive Thru Roast Beef dinner, and sold 226 dinners, which was amazing! In December we decided to go a bit crazy and do it again, with a Turkey Drive Thru dinner, this time selling 306 dinners. All of this could not have been accomplished without the unsolicited help of many Brothers of Council 1970 and friends of the Council.
These two dinners raised $6500 to assist our Council to continue to operate to serve the members and to continue to keep supporting the many organizations and people that need our support. It was fun, it raised the awareness in the community of the Cobourg Knights of Columbus, the positive feedback makes us want to continue this fun and fellowship, which through working together as a team, produced a stronger members of the Knights.