//Jesus The King Council 15045
Submitted by Past Grand Knight Hikmat Dandan

JERUSALEM STUDENTS TOUCHING LIVES IN THE HOLY LAND In 2018 five Jerusalem Students were sponsored until graduation. Thanks to the Councils, Knights and parishioners who made it possible. Thanks to Toronto Council 1388 which sponsors 6 students (Gold Sponsor). Each of these sponsors will receive a Certificate of Appreciation from the Melkite Catholic Archbishop of Jerusalem. Consider sponsoring a student. It is as little as C$ 21 per month (C$ 250 annual) to share a student. Your generous gesture of providing the gift of education will lay the foundation for successful Christian families that will grow to populate The Holy Land thus preserving the Christian presence (Now less than 2%) where our Lord Jesus Christ walked and preached. More than 100 students still need your help. Call PGK Hikmat 416-893 8060 for more information because all of us love The Holy Land.


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