Submitted by Mike Meady, DD 14

Dew Drop Food Drive 2018 – All 6 of the Thunder Bay Knights of Columbus Councils held a food drive at the 3 Thunder Bay Metro stores on Saturday May 12. The Food Drive was a great success 10 full half ton loads of food products, 10 coolers with hamburger, hams, pork chops, wiener’s, sausages, e.t.c. and over $ 2,200 in cash and food card donations. None of this would have been possible without the 50 volunteers, Knights and spouses. Thank you very much to all the volunteers and the 3 Metro stores. I spoke with Paul Deighton, President, St Andrews Dew Drop Inn and he told me the Dew Drop Board, staff and volunteers of the Dew Drop are elated with the results. Paul estimated total food and money value over $ 10,000. The bonus was that this was a fraternal event with all six Thunder Bay Knights of Columbus Councils sharing a common interest and working together. As a bonus Knights and their partners worked together and had a fun day. Bright, sunny and warm, weather really cooperated. Thank you especially to the people of Thunder Bay, who once again, proved we are the city with a great heart. I drafted a Knights of Columbus thank you and sent it to the Dew Drop to review and place in paper.
Thank you letters will be sent to the 3 Metro stores.


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