//Jesus The King Council 15045
Submitted by SK Hikmat Dandan, Past Grand Knight

Jerusalem Students project by Jesus The King Council 15045 preserves the Christian presence and lays the foundation for successful Christian families in The Holy Land. The above photos are for the sponsored students who have graduated from the Melkite Catholic Patriarchate School in Beit Sahour, Shepherds Fields’. Without the continuous support of the sponsors, many students would not probably be able to graduate. 70 % of the sponsors are Brother Knights, councils, assemblies and 30% are faithful Christians from all over North America. The sponsor pays the tuition fee C$ 500 in various flexible plans to help needy Christian students whose parents are not able to pay due to the political & economic difficulties. The principal of the School MS Istephan announced that their students got distinguished and outstanding results in the Government General Secondary Exams for 2016/2017. The first student Nicola Abu Sada scored an average of 98.6% and was first in Beit Sahour and fifth in Bethlehem district. Another 8 students scored averages above 90%. Jerusalem Students will be transferring more than C$ 40,000 in 2016/2017 and more than C$ 100,000 in sponsored tuition fees for more than 80 students since PGK Hikmat founded the project. Consider sponsoring a student, call the Chairman PGK Hikmat Dandan 416-893 8060 or visit www.jerusalemstudents.org


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