//Jesus The King Council 15045
Submitted by SK Hikmat Dandan, Past Grand Knight

” AND WHOEVER WELCOMES ONE SUCH CHILD IN MY NAME, WELCOMES ME.” MATHEW 18: 2-6 What is more worthy during the Holy Week, than sponsoring a needy Christian student in The Holy Land? The school is the Melkite Catholic Patriarchate School in Beit Sahour, Shepherds Fields. Yes it is the place near Bethlehem where the Angel appeared to the shepherds. Jerusalem Students project by Jesus The King Council has already sponsored more than 70 students, but there is still more than 100 students that need help. The school has an annual deficit of more than US$ 100,000 as most of the parents can not pay the tuition. So during this Holy Week, welcome Jesus’ resurrection by welcoming a needy Christian student in the Holy Land as by education you lay the foundation for strong successful Christian families which will reverse their diminishing trend as we all do not want to see the land where our Lord Jesus walked and preached become a museum of Christianity without Christians. Visit www.jerusalemstudents.org or call PGK Hikmat 416 – 893 8060


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