
Flag Day Hosted by Assembly #2230


Submitted by Bruce S. Poulin, State DeputyAssembly #2230Flag Day was celebrated by members of several councils in the Greater Ottawa area on February 15. The event was hosted by Assembly #2230 and held at Royal Canadian Legion Branch #632 in Orleans. A full-capacity crowd attended the event (195 people) despite the snowstorm. The occasion allowed our State Deputy to highlight the long-standing relationship between our military and veteran community with the Knights and how our Sir Knights have put their cardinal virtue of Patriotism into action. Well done everyone! BTW we also recruited five new members. Bravo to our Membership Director [...]

Flag Day Hosted by Assembly #2230 2025-02-18T14:26:23+00:00

Knights of Columbus and Royal Canadian Legion team up in Cornwall to support unhoused veterans


Submitted by Bruce S. Poulin, State DeputyThe front cover of the Jan. 8 edition of Cornwall Standard-Freeholder newspaper featured the Knights of Columbus and Royal Canadian Legion teaming up in Cornwall to help provide homeless and struggling veterans with coats and scarves during the winter months. Our State Deputy Bruce S. Poulin alongside State Warden Earle DePass, Royal Canadian Legion Branch 297 President Marvin Plumadore, and retired military chaplain Rory McDondal gathered on Jan. 8 in Cornwall to discuss the program and make a donation of Coats. Read the full article online here: https://www.standard-freeholder.com/news/knights-legion-unhoused-veterans

Knights of Columbus and Royal Canadian Legion team up in Cornwall to support unhoused veterans 2025-01-27T14:40:44+00:00

Find out what your local knights are doing.