//Tag:Council #13785

Our Lady of Fatima Devotion Holy Hour/Eucharistic Adoration


Submitted by GK SK Yolando FernandesSt. Barnabas ParishThe last Fatima Devotion was held on Thursday 13th October 2022 at St. Barnabas Parish, Toronto-ON, after five months of its initiation in June 2022. KOFC Council 13785 were truly blessed to be part of this great spiritual journey and experience the grace and devotion to our Blessed Mother. The Holy Hour and Mass was followed by Procession outside the Church compound led by Fr. Hansoo and Deacon Paul, alongside KOFC Assembly Honor Guards, and Eucharistic Adoration thereafter inside the church. The Consecration to the Holy Family prayer was also recited after the mass. [...]

Our Lady of Fatima Devotion Holy Hour/Eucharistic Adoration 2022-10-13T00:00:00+00:00

Food for Families – Donation Drive for Good Shepherd Ministries,Toronto-ON


Submitted by GK SK Yolando FernandesSt. BarnabasMembers of the Knights of Columbus 13785 participated and supported the Thanksgiving Food Drive over the long weekend (Sat 8th & Sun 9th Oct) after each weekend mass, at St. Barnabas Parish, Toronto-ON. Thanks to the generous donation from the parishioners of St. Barnabas Parish, the knights were able to pack and deliver 2,002 lbs of non-perishable food, in addition to $ 50/- in cash donation, to Good Shepherd Ministries, Downtown Toronto-ON, on 11th October 2022. Good Shepherd continue to provide Meals-to-Go to people who are struggling with homelessness and poverty.

Food for Families – Donation Drive for Good Shepherd Ministries,Toronto-ON 2022-10-20T14:23:15+00:00

Life Chain at St. Barnabas Parish, Scarborough, ON.


Submitted by GK SK Yolando FernandesSt. Barnabas CouncilMembers of the KOFC Council 13785 supported and participated in the Life Chain event on Sun Oct 2nd, 2022 from 2-3pm, at the 4 intersections in front of St. Barnabas Parish on 10 Washburn Way, Toronto. Approx 130 parishioners, including our Parish Pastor and Associate Pastors, participated in a peaceful demonstration, reciting prayers, saying the rosary and holding the placards that were distributed by members of the KOFC 13785.

Life Chain at St. Barnabas Parish, Scarborough, ON. 2022-10-02T00:00:00+00:00

Bottle Drive Campaign in support of Special Olympics Program


Submitted by GK SK Yolando FernandesSt. Barnabas ParishMembers of KOFC 13785 got together an re-ignited the Bottle Drive Campaign in support of Special Olympics, which helps athletes with disabilities compete in games around the world. Council members were encouraged to be generous, by keeping aside their change(small or large) from their empty bottle refunds and to donate the proceeds to our council. Within less than 2 months of this initiative, the council collected approx. $ 206.60 so far. This is clear evidence that "team work" goes a long way and small change collectivey adds to a great sum at the end [...]

Bottle Drive Campaign in support of Special Olympics Program 2022-09-14T00:00:00+00:00

Holy Hour/Eucharistic Adoration in Honor of Fatima Devotion


Submitted by GK SK Yolando FernandesSt. Barnabas ParishSir Knights and Members of KOFC 13785 together with Bishop Charles P Greco Assembly 2113 participated and celebrated in the Holy Hour Our Lady of Fatima Devotion on Tuesday 13th September 2022 at St. Barnabas Parish, Scarborough-ON. The Holy Hour and Mass was followed by Procession outside the Church compound led by Fr. Fraser McLaren and Deacon Paul Djaja, alongside KOFC Assembly 2113 Honor Guards, and Eucharistic Adoration thereafter inside the church. Parishioners and members from other ministries came together in Faith to celebrate and honor our Blessed Mother.

Holy Hour/Eucharistic Adoration in Honor of Fatima Devotion 2022-09-13T00:00:00+00:00

Our Lady of Fatima Devotion Holy Hour/Eucharistic Adoration


Submitted by GK Yolando Fernandes St. Barnabas Council #13785 Sir Knights and Members of the Knights of Columbus St. Barnabas Council 13785 alongside Honor Guards from Assembly 2113, celebrated in Our Lady of Fatima devotion Holy Hour and mass, followed by Procession outside the church compound and Eucharistic Adoration thereafter.  The Holy Hour Fatima Devotion started in June 2022 and is held every 13th of the month until October 2022.

Our Lady of Fatima Devotion Holy Hour/Eucharistic Adoration 2022-08-30T13:31:15+00:00

Installation of Newly Appointed Officers


Submitted by GK Yolando FernandesSt. Barnabas CouncilOn Saturday 6th August 2022, the Saint Barnabas Council 13785 held the Installation of the newly appointed Officers at St. Barnabas Parish, with Fr. Fraser McLaren (Worthy Chaplain), District Deputy SK Patt Fernandes and District Warden SK Paul DiPietro. Elected Executive members were installed to their respective positions for the upcoming 2022-23 fraternal year. Congratulations to all elected members & their families of Council 13785.

Installation of Newly Appointed Officers 2022-08-06T00:00:00+00:00

Helpings Hand to Society of St. Vincent De Paul Bundle Drive


Submitted by Yolando Fernandes St Barnabas Council, 10 Washburn Way, Scarborough-ON Brother Knights of Council 13785 provided Helping Hands to Society of St. Vincent De Paul Bundle Drive. The truck was full with clothing and bedding items donated by the parishioners on the weekend masses (6 masses between 16-17 July'22), which will be distributed to the poor in our community.

Helpings Hand to Society of St. Vincent De Paul Bundle Drive 2022-07-20T14:21:49+00:00

Helping Hands provided to St. Barnabas Kingdom Camp Youth BBQ appreciation night


Submitted by Yolando FernandesSt. Barnabas Council, 10 Washburn Way, Scarborough, ON.Brother Knights from Council 13785 provided Helping Hands to our Parish Pastor in support of his Kingdom Camp Youth Ministry appreciation evening on 15th July'22 in the church grounds. Brother Knights prepared and served BBQ burgers, hot dogs and buns to approx. 100+ youths and to their parents/guardians. KOFC Safe Environment protocol was followed to ensure a safe and enjoyable evening.

Helping Hands provided to St. Barnabas Kingdom Camp Youth BBQ appreciation night 2022-07-15T00:00:00+00:00

Our Lady of Fatima Devotion Holy Hour at St. Barnabas Parish


Submitted by Yolando FernandesSt. Barnabas Council, 10 Washburn Way, Scarborough-ONBrother Knights from KOFC Council 13785 participated in the Fatima Devotion Holy Hour on 13th July'22, followed by Procession outside the church compound with KOFC Assembly Honor Guards and Eucharistic Adoration thereafter inside the church.

Our Lady of Fatima Devotion Holy Hour at St. Barnabas Parish 2022-07-13T00:00:00+00:00

Find out what your local knights are doing.