////Ultrasound Program
Ultrasound Program 2024-07-22T04:07:19+00:00

Ultrasound Program – Saving the Unborn

KofC Ontario Ultrasound Program

Data proves that pregnant women who see their child’s ultrasound image will rarely choose abortion.

Providing resources for mothers and their preborn babies means saving lives. One of the most powerful tools in our pro-life arsenal is the ultrasound machine. It gives the mother a window into the womb, allowing her to see her baby and hear the heartbeat. Often, this is a life-saving moment.

We have a medical clinic with a pro-life doctor in Ontario that needs our help to acquire an ultrasound machine.

Let us work together, put our Faith in Action, and give hope to the unborn.

Ultrasounds save lives. 


For more information about this program, contact:
Alex Schadenberg
State Chairman, Ultrasound Program
Executive Director – Euthanasia Prevention Coalition

lifedirector@ontariokofc.ca or alex@epcc.ca or stateoffice@ontariokofc.ca

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