47th March for life Washington, January 2020
On Thursday, January 23rd State Deputy David Peters and his wife Flavia joined Alex Schadenberg, the Ontario State Life Director, in Washington DC for the 47th March for Life taking place on January 24th this year.
Many of you have probably seen videos or pictures of the Washington March for Life gathering but to experience the full extent of the event is truly inspiring.
On January 23rd we first attended the March for Life gathering at the Renaissance Hotel. Within its premises were housed, hundreds of displays, which filled several conference rooms, each display promoting a certain pro-life or pro-family ministry or representing a group of people, working in the cause of life. For example, there was groups representing people who were conceived in rape, groups urging people to pray, and many groups that directly serve pregnant woman.
Our favourite display, was the Knights of Columbus booth that offered excellent information also providing Knights of Columbus March for Life signs, hats, etc. Another excellent display booth was the Abbey Roast, which is a group of monks who raise money for pro-life work by roasting and selling gourmet coffee. The coffee was phenomenal.
In the evening we went to Catholic University of America to watch the screening of the film on capital punishment – Where there is Darkness. The film is about a Catholic priest, from Florida, who was brutally murdered. The film tells the sad story of his murder, but in the end, the priest had put into his will that if he were to be murdered that he would oppose the murderer dying by capital punishment. This is a very powerful story, I recommend that you see it when it comes in a theatre near you.
On January 24th, as we gathered in the Hotel Foyer, we were handed VIP passes and advised that we had to go through security, at the March for Life, by 9:30 am. This was due to the presence of United States President Donald Trump, the guess speaker for the 2020 March for Life. As we arrived at the security checkpoint, we had the good fortune of meeting up with Mark McMullen, Marketing and membership director at the Supreme Council. Once within the VIP section, we spent several hours socializing with fellow State Deputies, our Brother Knights of Columbus leaders and most of the pro-life leaders in America.
The Knights of Columbus are an integral part of the organizing, supporting and promoting of the March for Life.
The Ontario State Council is also an integral part of the organizing, supporting and promoting of the National March for Life in Canada. We organize March for Life buses, we help at the masses, we provide Marshalls who do the security, we provide financial support and in the last few years we have brought thousands of people to the National March for Life in Ottawa which takes place on May 14, 2020. Being pro-life and participating in the March for Life will bring you an unbelievable feeling of the importance of this event and is one of the main reasons many members joined the Knights of Columbus.
If you love life, JOIN the Knights of Columbus and attend the Ottawa, March for Life.