Refund Support Vocations Program (RSVP)
Now, more than ever, Seminarians can use a helping hand as many do NOT have funds apart from their education and basic living. Any assistance is greatly appreciated on their journey to the priesthood. Please consult the following links for more information on the RSVP Program:
You can support any seminarian within Ontario, they do not need to be from your particular Parish or Diocese. Liaise with your Diocesan Associations to obtain a list of seminarians in need of assistance from your Diocese and/or Seminary. Ensure your Council closely follows the guidelines established by Supreme (see above links) in order to qualify for the refund…here are some highlights:
Donations to the seminarian must be at least $500 per recipient (no splitting of donation is allowed).
- If the donation is made directly to the seminarian, a copy of the cancelled cheque (both front and back of the cheque) must accompany the application from the Council.
- Donations from Charitable Accounts (i.e. Bingos, CARS Raffle, funds raised through an AGCO License) need to be made out to the Seminary.
- For donations from a General or other non-Charitable Account: If the seminary insists that the donation(s) be made to the seminary and not the seminarian, then a note of thanks from the seminarian to the council including the amount of the donation must be sent with the Council’s application. Do not send the cancelled cheque payable to the seminary to Supreme. Supreme needs a “thank-you” letter from the seminarian, showing they received the monies and amount
- The completion of Section II Moral Support Information of the application must be completed as outlined on the back of the form. The support detailed there must be something tangible not just an expression of support through prayers of the Council. This may include:
● Correspondence between council and seminarian/postulant
● Personal visits to seminary or religious residence
● Invitation of seminarian/postulant to council events
● Similar signs of interest. - Original copy of the RSVP application needs to be sent to Supreme and a copy also needs to be sent to the State Office so we can keep track of Seminarian Support across from the province (we do not receive copies from Supreme).
Share your pictures and information on your Council (or Assembly) support of a seminarian so it can be displayed in the Friday File and on the RSVP page.