//Knights in Action

Chinese Martyrs Council 15463


Submitted by Jason Kwok (PGK, FDD, PFN)Every year, Chinese Martyrs Council #15463 and All Saints of China Assembly #3484, organize a Remembrance Day Service with 333rd Markham Scout Group to pay tribute to the Canadian soldiers who sacrificed their precious lives to maintain peace of the world and to instill into heart of Canadian citizens, youths and adults alike, the importance of maintaining peace. The ceremony included flag raising, laying of wreaths, reciting of poems and singing.

Chinese Martyrs Council 15463 2017-11-16T00:00:00+00:00

Fr. Granottier Council 2092


Submitted by Jim Cummings, Financial SecretaryOwen Sound #2092 and Port Elgin #6736 Knights of Columbus donated $ 2200 in support of breast pumps for new mothers in Grey Bruce who cannot afford one. Presenting the cheque are (l to r) Knights Bob Francis, John Danyluk, Dennis Solomon and Roland Green - Thompson. Foundation Executive Director, Amy McKinnon, second from the left, received their donation

Fr. Granottier Council 2092 2017-11-08T00:00:00+00:00

St-John de Brébeuf & Companions Council 8233


Submitted by Ted Rocheleau, P.G.K.The Kingsville Knights 8233, had a personal tour of the Canadian Transportation Museum in Essex. The tour was a Council activity were members and their families were invited. At the end of the Tour, a Donation was made to help cover the rising Hydro Expenses that the Museum has experienced over the last few years. Presenting the cheque to the President Harry Bergmen of the Museum is GK Marshall H and Chairman Danny D Grand Knight Marshall Heaton, Chaired by Danny Dumont.

St-John de Brébeuf & Companions Council 8233 2017-11-06T00:00:00+00:00

William E. Prentice Council 1429


Submitted by Norman Monteiro, G.K.Over $ 2,000 was raised for Sarnia’s St. Joseph’s Hospice, by 3 fine gentlemen on their bicycles. The 3 riders – Financial Secretary Dave Pirt, Rick Smith and Joe Van Dinther along with Dave Howson, one of the support crew. Missing is Maggie Pataki. Also in the picture is Grand Knight Norman Monteiro. In about 12 hours they cycled about 300 kilometres to places that ranged between Sarnia, London, Goderich and many places in between. They not only cycled but also got the money through pledges they obtained by themselves! Supporting them in this endeavor were Maggie [...]

William E. Prentice Council 1429 2017-11-04T00:00:00+00:00

St Edith Stein Council 13049


Submitted by Michael Nunan, Financial SecretarySeveral Brothers from Council 13049 St Edith Stein, Rockland with spouses and parishioners after saying a rosary in front of the Ste-Félicité Church in Clarence-Creek for the 100th Year Fatima Anniversary.

St Edith Stein Council 13049 2017-10-31T00:00:00+00:00

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