Feast Day of Blessed Michael McGivney
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Feast Day Mass of Blessed Michael McGivney | August 13, 2021 at 7:00 p.m.
St. Patrick’s Church, 440 King St. E. Hamilton, ON. L8N 1C6

Celebrant: Bishop Douglas Crosby, OMI, DD
Ontario State Chaplain

The Ontario State Council cordially invites all Knights, their families and friends to attend a Mass in honour of the first feast day of our Founder, Blessed Michael J. McGivney.

COVID Protocols will be in place and a maximum of 100 people will be permitted in the church.

For those that would like to join virtually the Mass will be live streamed and will be open 5 minutes before the start of Mass

Website: https://stpats.online.church
Facebook: fb.me/stpatrickshamilton

If you have any questions, please contact:
Joe Remedios (647) 467-1738 or Faithdirector@ontariokofc.ca or James Zammit (416) 526-1714 or jzammit@circlink.ca

The founder of the Knights of Columbus, Father Michael J. McGivney was a central figure in the growth of Catholicism in America, and he remains a model today. His example of charity, evangelization and empowerment of the laity continues to bear fruit and guide Knights of Columbus around the world. Click to read more.

Watch the full McGivney documentary

Blessed Michael McGivney Novena English/ French or Video Novena. For more information visit www.michaeljmcgivneyhonoris.ca

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