//Marcel Lemmen

About Marcel Lemmen

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So far Marcel Lemmen has created 124 blog entries.

Bottle Drive for Special Olympics


Submitted by Denis RobillardFr. Paul J.F. WattsonOn January 5th, 2020 Council 8919 held a Bottle Drive for Special Olympics at Our Lady of the Atonement Parish. Donations of empty alcoholic beverage containers were collected. Over Four Hundred dollars from returns and donations were sent to Special Olympics Ontario to support our young gifted athletes in their pursuit of athletic excellence. In addition the 'Special Olympics' flag, sponsored by the Knights of Columbus, was available for anyone interested in signing.

Bottle Drive for Special Olympics 2020-01-05T00:00:00+00:00

Jerusalem Students Mass


Submitted by SK Hikmat Michel DandanJesus The King CouncilIt was a beautiful Holy Mass thanks to Rev. Fr. Ed Murphy who at very short notice accepted to celebrate the Jerusalem Students Mass for the intention of the students, sponsors and the Holy Land in Blessed Trinity Church in North York on Sunday 29th December at 10:30 am. Address: 3220 Bayview Ave, North York, ON M2M 3R7 Rev. Fr. Ed welcomed the sponsors, the Ontario State Deputy David Peters, and the Knights of Columbus dignitaries and their Ladies. The Homily was very moving focusing on family unity. Later during Mass Rev. Fr. [...]

Jerusalem Students Mass 2019-12-29T00:00:00+00:00

Jerusalem Students Mass


Submitted by SK Hikmat Michel DandanJesus The King CouncilThe Jerusalem Students Mass for the intention of the students, sponsors and the Holy Land in Blessed Trinity Church in North York ended by cutting the ceremonial cakes and taking photos. Ontario State Deputy, Sir Knight David Peters cut the ceremonial cake welcoming the sponsors and Faithful Commander Sir Knight Paul DiPietro cut the ceremonial cake welcoming St. John Paul II Assembly and all the participating Sir Knights in the Honor Guard. Thanks also to Faithful Navigator SK Johnny Lee and SK Henry Tang GK of St Luke Council and PGK Brother Jan [...]

Jerusalem Students Mass 2019-12-29T00:00:00+00:00

Jerusalem Students Mass


Submitted by SK Hikmat Michel DandanJesus The King CouncilDuring the Jerusalem Students Mass in Blessed Trinity Church, Rev. Fr. Ed Murphy asked the sponsors to stand, Blessed them with a special prayer and sprinkled them with Holy Water. After the Mass, the State Deputy SK David Peters addressed the parishioners and sponsors that by supporting the education of a needy Christian student they are also strengthening Christianity and helping the Holy Land to flourish. Later the sponsors received the files of their student, thank you cards, grades, photo, Principal letter, Archbishop letter. It was a beautiful occasion to meet other sponsors [...]

Jerusalem Students Mass 2019-12-29T00:00:00+00:00

Serving at a pro life centre


Submitted by Field agent Andrei Dias Field agent Andrei Dias On December 17th Field agent Andrei Dias of the Duval agency, organized and hosted a Christmas party at Aid to Women a crisis pregnancy centre in Toronto Ontario Canada, volunteers helped to sort clothes and toys and make care packages for moms and moms to be. $4000 worth of baby clothes, diapers, wipes, toys, gift cards and cash was also donated

Serving at a pro life centre 2019-12-17T00:00:00+00:00

Star Council Award Presentation


Submitted by Roger RichardSt. Lorenzo RuizSunday, December 15, 2019 at Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish, a presentation was made by the District Deputy, Brother Roger Richard to St. Lorenzo Ruiz Council 14337, Worthy Grand Knight Melchorito Tejero the Star Council Award. In the Picture, From the left, Brother Vincent D’Souza, Field Agent, Father Dominique Lim, Worthy Chaplain, Brother Melchorito Tejero, Grand Knight Roger Richard, District Deputy of District 101

Star Council Award Presentation 2019-12-15T00:00:00+00:00

Confirmation Candidate Luncheon


Submitted by Cooking Team ChairmanFr. Paul J.F. WattsonOn December 9th, 2019 the Cooking Team of Fr. Paul J.F. Wattson Council 8919 prepared a fantastic luncheon for this years Confirmation Candidates. Turkey and gravy, stuffing, mash potatoes, green beans, salad, rolls, with cake and pumpkin pie for desert. A real holiday feast.

Confirmation Candidate Luncheon 2019-12-09T00:00:00+00:00

Social with Santa


Submitted by Roger RogerSt. Theresa the Little FlowerOn Sunday, December 8, 2019 after the 10:30am Mass, the Knights of Columbus, St. Theresa the Little Flower Council 16005 hosted a Social with Santa. This Social was given to the Parishioners and children at no cost for their support during the year.

Social with Santa 2019-12-08T00:00:00+00:00



Submitted by Michael St Edith SteinOur spiritually oriented (Nativity Scene) in Rockland’s annual Parade of Lights.

Nunan 2019-11-23T00:00:00+00:00

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