Marcel Lemmen

About Marcel Lemmen

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So far Marcel Lemmen has created 124 blog entries.

    Oktoberfest Take Away


    Submitted by Paul JohnsonSt. John de Brebeuf Council 8233 On October 17, 2020 members of the Kingsville Council came together to keep the Oktoberfest tradition alive despite of Covid 19. Over 250 meals were prepared and delivered using a drive thru method keeping everyone distanced and safe. The funds made will help future local community ventures.

    Oktoberfest Take Away 2020-11-16T16:56:10+00:00

      St. Joseph Syriac Council first Life Chain


      Submitted by SK Hikmat Michel DandanSt. Joseph Syriac CouncilIn front of their St. Joseph Syriac Church on Lakeshore Mississauga, under the rain, full of faith, members of St. Joseph Syriac Council held the signs of their first Life Chain. The Grand Knight SK Raad Bakose who is also a deacon prayed in Arabic for the UNBORN while all the other members recited the verses as well. The Program Director Zaid Rassam, supported by Faith Director Fadi Binno & Life Director Bassam Gago planned the event with Campaign Life Coalition. St. Joseph Syriac Council 17309 was awarded STAR AWARD in their first [...]

      St. Joseph Syriac Council first Life Chain 2020-10-04T00:00:00+00:00
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      Helping Migrant Workers Migrant Worker in Quarantine


      Submitted by Sean Adams District Effort Photos shown above of the K of C councils in District 117 collecting items for migrant workers who had to be in quarantine. In June several migrant workers near Burford, ON, tested positive for COVID-19 and thus needed to quarantine for 14 days.  In order to help supply the workers with some necessities to see the workers through their quarantine, Father Peter Ciallella, chaplain of Blessed Sacrament council 16814 organized a collection of these necessities from all the parishes in the Brant deanery.  The Knights of Columbus were involved from the very start, helping to [...]

      Helping Migrant Workers Migrant Worker in Quarantine 2020-08-19T21:13:22+00:00

        Canada Day


        Submitted by Vince DumaelSt. Michael the Archangel AssemblySir Knight’s of St. Michael the Archangel Assembly # 3783, together with the 2nd Ontario District Master and Marshal’s, gathered at St.Lawrence the Martyr Church Vicinity to show our Patriotism, for the Celebration of Canada Day, at this time of Pandemic . We gathered, marched, prayed, sing the National Anthem ( presenting the Sword, ) with our Ladies

        Canada Day 2020-07-01T00:00:00+00:00

          Charitable Donation to Owen Sound Hospital Foundation


          Submitted by Jim CummingsGranottierOwen Sound Regional Hospital Foundation June 18 at 9:39 AM · Owen Sound Hospital Foundation : June 18th 2020 An enormous thank you to the Knights of Columbus Council 2029 for their recent donation to Owen Sound Regional Hospital's Women and Child Care Unit! #closetohome #communitysupportmatters Present the cheque to the Manager of the Women and Child Care Unit and the Owen Sound Hospital Foundation Director were Brothers PGK Jim Cummings, Dennis Solomon, Roland Green-Thompson and PGK Kevin Quinn.

          Charitable Donation to Owen Sound Hospital Foundation 2020-06-20T00:00:00+00:00



            Submitted by SK Hikmat Michel DandanJesus The King CouncilFrom: Sawsan Istephan Sent: June 4, 2020 5:16 AM To: 'Knights of Columbus Christian Refugee Relief Director' Cc: 'Yasser Ayyache Archbishop Jerusalem' Subject: Thanks Dear Sir Knight Hikmat, Christian Refugee Relief Director We would like to thank you for the first Jerusalem Students Education Sponsorship payment for 2020 for C$30,000 which we received in US$ 21,881.61 on 3.6.2020. The donation was received at the right time before June 15th which is very important to cover 50% of salaries to help the teachers and employees in this difficult situation. Unfortunately due to the Pandemic, [...]


              New coat of paint for the church


              Submitted by Perry RabadiOur Lady of Mount CarmelKnights of Columbus Council Our Lady of Mount Carmel Council # 12796, Mississaauga were able to help out paint whole Church via Father’s request. Seen here is Trevor Phillips, Grand Knight and Brother Knights helping out paint main hall. They spend over 570 hrs to finish their job

              New coat of paint for the church 2020-06-08T00:00:00+00:00

                St. Mark Knights of Columbus Food Drive


                Submitted by Nicholas QuadriniSt. Mark ParishThe St. Mark Knights of Columbus conducted a food drive to support families in Stouffville during the COVID-19 pandemic. During this crisis, many individuals have been forced to go to food banks due to the financial impact of this pandemic. As a council, we wanted to help leave no neighbour behind and support our community during this difficult time. We raised over 1,600 pounds of food and hundreds of dollars of grocery gift cards to support families in need. Thank you to the entire St. Mark community for their generosity!

                St. Mark Knights of Columbus Food Drive 2020-06-06T00:00:00+00:00

                  Covid 19 Donation


                  Submitted by Andrew KwiatkowskiCARDINAL WYSZYNSKIKnights of Columbus council 9296 donate much needed medical supplies Some of Toronto's west-end facilities are receiving much needed COVID-19 medical supplies from the Catholic organization, the Knights of Columbus. Volunteers, from the Knights at St. Casimir's Parish on Roncesvalles Avenue, distributed 7,000 pairs of latex gloves and 10,000 procedural masks to the West Park Healthcare Centre. Another 6,000 gloves and 10,000 procedural masks were delivered to the John Paul II Care Centre of Copernicus Lodge. Once the Knights, a fund-raising fraternity within the Catholic Church, discovered the need, they sprang into action. The Knights of Columbus [...]

                  Covid 19 Donation 2020-04-01T00:00:00+00:00

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