//St. Barnabas 48th Anniversary Celebration
Submitted by SK Yolando Fernandes
St. Barnabas Parish

St. Barnabas Parish-Toronto, had a special mass at 9am, on Saturday 8th June 2024 celebrating its 48th Anniversary, with Knights of Columbus Honor Guards, followed by procession and Eucharistic Adoration thereafter.

Members of Council 13785 came out early morning to assist with the setup of the tents, tables, chairs, the BBQ and preparation of the food (burgers, sausages, etc.). Brother knights also assisted with the clean up after the event which ended around 3.30pm. It was a day filled with music, games, raffle draws, lots of food and social mingling with our parish community and non parishioners.

Thanks to all the brother knights and their families that came forward in unity and passion, to show our support to our pastoral team, the church and our community at large. Special thanks to the Honor Guard representatives (SK Carlo, SK Romualdo, SK Bruce and SK Cesar) for gracing the occasion.


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