//Living Outdoor Rosary of Ave Maria Council #9494
Submitted by Gino
Ave Maria

Living Outdoor Rosary organized by Ave Maria Council 9494

On Saturday, October 23, 2021, after the 5 P.M. vigil Mass, the Knights of Ave Maria Council serving Epiphany of Our Lord Parish in Scarborough and the parish’s Legion of Mary held a live outdoor Rosary for their parishioners. The event was primarily ably organized by SK Carlo Trentadue of our council. As you can see from the photo, taped markings were put on the ground to enable social distancing. An “X” taping marked the Our Father bead which was stationed by a Sir Knight, while the other markings designated the Hail Mary beads stationed by parishioners. Participants made their way from bead to bead up to the microphone stationed in front of Our Lady’s statue in front of the Church to recite when it was their turn. The introductory prayers and closing Rosary prayers were conducted by members of the Legion of Mary. Many thanks to our pastor Fr. Martin and associate pastor Fr. Ronald who continue to be very supportive of our events.


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