//Mama Mia Fest(Spaghetti, meat sauce with beef & mushroom, salad and garlic bread)
Submitted by SK Wilfred Gomez
St.Aidan Council

St. Aidan Council # 11332, teamed up and cooked the best spaghetti meat sauce in Town for parishioners of St. Aidan Church. This was a fundraiser held on Nov. 7 & 8 after all Masses. The Chef SK Mike Wo Kai Sang and his wife Lady Jackie tirelessly cooked the best spaghetti sauce. The fundraiser was organized at the request of our Parish Priest Fr. Steven Szakaczki to support ShareLife, SVDP and KofC charities. The team raised $2190.00 and volunteered hours collecting orders at all Masses. From left SK Wilfred Gomez (MIO-12), Lady Jackie, SK Mike Wo Kai Sang (Chef), Bro. Aris Dometita (Program Director), Bro. Romuald Peirara (F/S) and his wife Marina and Sister Rebecca (wife of Bro. Aris Dometita). We followed the social distancing and wore mask as required due to the pandemic.


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