//Tag:Roger Richard

Star District Award Presentation


Submitted by Roger RichardSt. Theresa the Little Flower The luncheon was a presentation of the Star District Award to District Deputy Roger Richard of District 101 by our State Deputy Marcel Lemmen The Grand Knights of District 101 were present, Council 9557 Paul Kozak, Council 11726 Bernard Battistin, Council 14337 Melchorito Tejero, Council 16005 Peter Arseneau, Council 17476 Matthew Buchkowski and Council 17725 Brandan Tran . The only Star District Award in Ontario. This is Roger Richard 3rd Star District in a row.

Star District Award Presentation 2022-11-06T00:00:00+00:00

Coats for Kids


Submitted by Roger Richard, District Deputy District 101 St. Vladimir the Great St. Vladimir the Great Council 9557 manage to collect 500 coats for Kids and Adults including coats purchase by Councils in Ottawa, but short as there were 1000 in need of coats. Now the Council will keep asking for coats for a very important event - Coats for New Comers (Ukrainian new Comers) in Ottawa.

Coats for Kids 2022-11-18T18:09:43+00:00

Wards and Installation of the Officcers


Submitted by Roger RichardSt. ClementThe Ontario State Deputy Marcel Lemmen was present to present the St. Clement Council 17725 with the Contest of Champions Award for Achieving 466% of the their membership. The District Deputy, Roger Richard, of District 101 presented the Council with their 4 Star Council Award. The District Deputy also did the Installation of the Officers on the same day.

Wards and Installation of the Officcers 2022-10-02T00:00:00+00:00

New Members During COVID


Submitted by Roger RichardSt. Theresa the Little Flower Daniel Boyer, The Deputy Grand Knight od St. Theresa the Little Flower Council 16005 in Ottawa present the New Membership Kit to Brothers Matthew Gillard and Keith Bell at the end of the Sunday Mass at St. Theresa.

New Members During COVID 2021-12-19T00:00:00+00:00

Award and Charter Presentation


Submitted by Roger Richard St. Jude College On November 11, 2021, St. Jude College Council 17476 was presented the Founders Award. With the COVID-19 restrictions, they've finally received their Charter. District Deputy of District 101, Roger Richard, presented the award to the members.

Award and Charter Presentation 2021-11-12T14:24:14+00:00

Award and Charter Presentation


Submitted by Roger RichardSt. Jude College St. Jude College Council 17476 was presented finally with Covid-19 Restrictions their Founders Award and their Charter by the District Deputy Roger Richard of District 101.

Award and Charter Presentation 2021-11-11T00:00:00+00:00

Coats for Kids


Submitted by Roger Richard St. Theresa the Little Flower Council 16005 COATS FOR KIDS St. Theresa Parish Knights of Columbus will have Donation Envelopes for “Coats for Kids” at the back of the church this weekend. Members and parishioners can donate to this great cause by dropping the envelope in the collection basket next weekend. Like last year, all proceeds will go towards the Coats for Indigenous Children and Adults (New)

Coats for Kids 2021-11-25T20:45:06+00:00

Coats for Kids


Submitted by Roger RichardSt. Theresa the Little Flower St. Theresa the Little Flower Council 16005 COATS FOR KIDS St. Theresa Parish Knights of Columbus will have Donation Envelopes for “Coats for Kids” at the back of the church this weekend. Members and parishioners can donate to this great cause by dropping the envelope in the collection basket next weekend. Like last year, all proceeds will go towards the Coats for Indigenous Children and Adults (New) In the picture, adults are getting their coats, some didn't want to show themselves.

Coats for Kids 2021-11-10T00:00:00+00:00

Installations of the Officers


Submitted by Roger RichardSt. Theresa the Little Flower During the pandemic with the new restrictions, St. Theresa the Little Flower Council 16005 and St. Vladimir the Great Council 9557 got together for the Installations of the Officers. It took place on Saturday, July 24, 2021 in St. Theresa Parish. The members follow the restrictions wearing masks and keeping their distance during the Installations.

Installations of the Officers 2021-07-24T00:00:00+00:00

Pro-Life Week


Submitted by Roger RichardSt. Theresa the Little Flower March For Life Week – May 9-16! St. Theresa the Little Flower Council 16005, bought a Pro-life Banner, Love Choose Life. A few of the Brother Knights got together after Mass to display the banner. A good way to start the Pro-Life Week, Sunday, May 9, 2021, with Mother’s Day. With the COVID restrictions in place, we can only have a few Knights wearing Face Masks and keeping their Distances (all have their first Covid Vaccines)

Pro-Life Week 2021-05-09T00:00:00+00:00

Find out what your local knights are doing.