//Tag:Rev. Clair Tipping Council 9235

District 103 Good Friday Outdoor Station of the Cross


Submitted by Carlyle Daniel, District Deputy District 103 Rev. Clair Tipping Council 9235 Yes, it was cold. Yes, it was windy. The "wind chill factor was evident. Yet those miserable weather conditions did not deter Council 9235 and the almost 200 participants from its 26th annual outdoor Stations of the Cross on Good Friday morning. Brother Anthony thoughtfully chose themes and locations for each station that impacts the lives of ordinary citizens within the community. Choir members of the St. Anthony of Padua led and provided music along the journey. Ash D'Silva coordinated the event. This year's event attracted several family [...]

District 103 Good Friday Outdoor Station of the Cross 2023-04-25T12:33:31+00:00

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