//Tag:Nicholas Quadrini

Our Lady of Fatima Council Breakfast


Submitted by Nicholas QuadriniOur Lady of FatimaOur Lady of Fatima Council 9742 (Ontario's leading council for membership growth), held a very successful pancake breakfast on March 23rd. Hundreds of parishioners enjoyed delicious pancakes and other breakfast favourites, all while raising funds to support the council charities. Many of the new members that joined the council in recent months were the key volunteers making this event a success.

Our Lady of Fatima Council Breakfast 2025-03-23T00:00:00+00:00

District 1 Organizational Meeting


Submitted by Nicholas QuadriniDistrictDistrict 1 (Downtown Ottawa) had its organizational meeting on August 29th at St. Theresa’s Parish. We’re celebrating the 125th Anniversary in a special way this year, since Council 485 (the first council in Ontario, based at St. Patrick’s Basilica) is part of our district! We have some big plans and can’t wait to welcome you for our 2025 State Convention at the Westin Ottawa! Taking the picture: DD Nicholas Quadrini (LtoR) MIO#2 Ron Hutt, SD Bruce Poulin, GK 16005 Acton Kilby, DGK Daniel Boyer, GK 12124 François Bak, FS Gerald Cook, Membership Director 9742 Peter Cromwell, DGK Matthew [...]

District 1 Organizational Meeting 2024-08-29T00:00:00+00:00

Recognizing Charter Councillors of St. Mark Circle 5486


Submitted by Nicholas QuadriniSt. Mark Parish CouncilSt. Mark Council 10874 Grand Knight John Sobrinho and Ontario Squire Area Chairman (Metro East) Nicholas Quadrini (a Charter Member of Circle 5486) recognized retiring Councillors SK Robert Tabone and SK Francis Kelly for their twelve years of dedicated service to the Columbian Squires. Both Brother Knights founded St. Mark Squire Circle 5486 back in March 2011 and have served as Councillors ever since. Area Chairman Nicholas, GK John, and current Chief Councillor Corrado Privitera presented awards of appreciation to SK Robert and SK Francis to recognize their many years of selfless and dedicated service [...]

Recognizing Charter Councillors of St. Mark Circle 5486 2024-05-02T00:00:00+00:00

Gavel Presentation to Peterborough Bishop D. Miehm


Submitted by Nicholas Quadrini Sir Guy Mills Council 1124 Grand Knight Mike Perrault and I recently at the Peterborough Rectory to present a gift of a Knights of Columbus gavel to His Excellency Bishop Daniel Miehm. The Bishop was very happy to receive his gift. It was an informal presentation, meant as a small gesture of appreciation for attending Sir Guy Mill’s Council dinner and for being the Guest Speaker. The gift was also intended to show the Bishop that his support towards the Order and his service to the Peterborough diocese continues to be noticed.  

Gavel Presentation to Peterborough Bishop D. Miehm 2024-02-20T13:14:58+00:00

Coats for Kids Donation – St. Mark Parish Council 10874


Submitted by Nicholas Quadrini St. Mark Parish Council St. Mark Parish Council 10874 recently held our annual Coats for Kids drive to support needy children in and around the Stouffville area to stay warm during the winter season. Thanks to the generous support of St. Mark Parishioners, the council raised $3,350 and donated just over 100 coats to local schools and charitable organizations in Stouffville and York Region. The first photo features WGK John Sobrinho delivering 40 coats to Canadian Martyrs CES. The staff and families at the school greatly appreciate the generosity of the Knights!, as they have been faced [...]

Coats for Kids Donation – St. Mark Parish Council 10874 2022-12-21T15:53:44+00:00

Helping Neighbours in Stouffville


Submitted by Nicholas Quadrini St. Mark Parish Council Knights from St. Mark Council 10874 helped clear a tree in a neighbour's driveway which would have cost a substantial amount to remove without the help of our Brothers. This simple act was sincerely appreciated by the St. Vincent de Paul society who asked the Knights to led a helping hand. “Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also the interest of others” – Philippians 2:4 From left to right: DGK Ian Munro, GK John Sobrinho, Br. Marcel Raes, and his son.

Helping Neighbours in Stouffville 2022-09-12T13:07:59+00:00

Installation of Officers – St. Mark Council 10874 and Blessed Frederic Ozanam Council 17065


Submitted by Nicholas QuadriniSt. Mark Parish CouncilSt. Mark Parish Council 10874 and Blessed Frederic Ozanam Council 17065 celebrated a joint installation of officers on August 13, 2022. DD 63 Patt Fernandes led the installation alongside his DW Paul DiPietro. Congratulations to WGKs John Sobrinho (St. Mark) and Eardley Adams (Blessed Ozanam) and best wishes for a sucsessful administration!

Installation of Officers – St. Mark Council 10874 and Blessed Frederic Ozanam Council 17065 2022-08-13T00:00:00+00:00

Easter Food Drive for Families


Submitted by Nicholas QuadriniSt. Mark CouncilSt. Mark Council 10874 hosted a food drive for families in honour of the Easter season. Brother Knights invited parishioners after all three masses to donate non-perishable food items to support our local food bank and grocery gift cards in support of St. Vincent de Paul. Thanks to the generosity of the St. Mark community, we raised over 500 lbs. of food and almost $100 in gift cards for St. Vincent de Paul.

Easter Food Drive for Families 2022-05-02T00:00:00+00:00

Welcoming the St. Joseph Pilgrim Icon


Submitted by Nicholas QuadriniSt. Mark CouncilSt. Mark Council 10874 was one of the first councils in Ontario to welcome the St. Joseph Pilgrim Icon. The council hosted the icon for one week at St. Mark Parish, culminating in a special evening in honour of St. Joseph. Council members invited parishioners to join them for a special screening of "St. Joseph: Our Spiritual Father", followed by a votive mass in honour of St. Joseph and the Holy Rosary (with reflections from Patris Corde). The evening was live streamed on YouTube, with over 200 views. Live stream archive: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hQa2EuP0B0

Welcoming the St. Joseph Pilgrim Icon 2022-01-14T00:00:00+00:00

St. Mark Council 10874 celebrates 60th Anniversary of Charter Chaplain


Submitted by Nicholas QuadriniSt. Mark Parish CouncilThe St. Mark Knights of Columbus Council 10874 in Stouffville honoured their charter chaplain, Fr. Leslie Tamas who celebrated his 60th anniversary of ordination in May 2020. The council arraigned for a papal blessing from our Holy Father Pope Francis to honour this special milestone and presented it to Fr. Leslie after the 11am Mass on August 23rd. Our council is grateful for Fr. Leslie’s unwavering support for the Knights of Columbus and his belief that “The World Needs More Knights!”. Front Row (from left to right): Br. Joseph McConkey, Br. Emilio Benincasa (Trustee), Fr. [...]

St. Mark Council 10874 celebrates 60th Anniversary of Charter Chaplain 2020-08-24T00:00:00+00:00

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