//Tag:#KofCOntario #KnightsinAction

District 13 Special Olympic Flag Signing


Submitted by Dennis Tomini, District Deputy of District #13 Ontario State Council Flag signing at Plaza Bowl in Sudbury on December 15, 2023, in support of Special Olympics Ontario. A great time was had by all. From L to R, Lynne Houle, Carlo de Carlo from Council 3909, members of Special Olympics, Jean-Marc Joanisse Grand Knight of Council 10888, and Dennis Tomini, District Deputy of District 13.

District 13 Special Olympic Flag Signing 2024-01-16T14:10:53+00:00

St. Mark’s Council 10874 Membership Quota Award


Submitted by Joseph Bodnar, State Treasurer  St. Mark's Council 10874 Congratulations to St. Mark's Council 10874, Stouffville, for receiving their Division 5 - 2nd Place Membership Quota award for 2022-2023. There council is very active in the parish and community which encourages men to join their council to assist them in their projects.

St. Mark’s Council 10874 Membership Quota Award 2024-01-31T16:19:29+00:00

Presentation of St. Joseph Icon to St. Joseph Parish in Bowmanville, Ontario


Submitted by Kas Watroba  St. Joseph-Bowmanville On September 10, the Icon of St. Joseph was presented to the Parish of St. Joseph in Bowmanville, Ontario.The ceremony was done at the 90th Anniversary of the Church. The blessing of the Icon was done by The Very Reverend Bishop Miehm of the Diocese of Peterborough. The Representative of the KofC Council 6361 was Grand Knight Kas Watroba.  

Presentation of St. Joseph Icon to St. Joseph Parish in Bowmanville, Ontario 2023-09-28T13:19:54+00:00

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