//Tag:KofC Ontario 50/50 Raffle

Donations for Food for Families


Submitted by Joe Bodnar Ontario State Knights of Columbus On behalf of the Knights of Columbus of Ontario, State Advocate Joe Bodnar presented a $1,600.00 check to Marian Brady, president of St. Joseph the Worker St. Vincent de Paul Society to help purchase food vouchers for needy families in Oshawa. With rising food prices, the Ontario State Board encourages your members and their families to support this quarters K of C 50/50 raffle with proceeds going to support "Food for Families" initiatives that support the needy in our communities. To buy tickets for our 50/50 Spring Challenge, visit https://www.kofcontario5050.com/index.html To learn [...]

Donations for Food for Families 2022-06-23T16:37:46+00:00

50/50 Raffle Grand Prize Winner


Submitted by Ontario State Knights of Columbus On April 11, 2022, State Deputy Marcel Lemmen presented the check to the 50/50 Raffle Winter Q1 Grand Prize winner, Denis Charron (left). The winner take home prize is $29,700. On the right is DGK Marty Chesser accepting the $1,000 bonus cheque for Council 12401, seller of the winning ticket. The 50/50 Raffle Spring Draw Q2 is on. Tickets are available online at $40 for 100 tickets, $20 for 40 tickets, and $10 for 15 tickets.  There will be Early Bird draws on May 1 and June 1. Prizes are $500, $250, and $250.  Don't miss your chance to win! Buy tickets today, click Buy Tickets To [...]

50/50 Raffle Grand Prize Winner 2022-05-05T14:36:14+00:00

50/50 Raffle Early Bird Draw (3rd Quarter)


50/50 Raffle Early Bird draw September 1st at 9:00am. Our Main 50/50 draw is on September 30th. Please continue to promote our 50/50 Raffle. By purchasing tickets and telling your family, friends and neighbours, you will help us to reach our charitable goals. ------ Notre tirage principal 50/50 aura lieu le 1er septembre à 9h. Nos prochains tirages hâtif auront lieu 30 septembre. Veuillez continuer à promouvoir notre tirage 50/50. En achetant des billets et en le disant à votre famille, vos amis et vos voisins, vous nous aiderez à atteindre nos objectifs de bienfaisance.   Buy Tickets Now   [...]

50/50 Raffle Early Bird Draw (3rd Quarter) 2021-07-15T18:36:17+00:00

50/50 Raffle Early Bird Draw (3rd Quarter)


50/50 Raffle Early Bird draw August 1st at 9:00am. Our Main 50/50 draw is on September 30th. Please continue to promote our 50/50 Raffle. By purchasing tickets and telling your family, friends and neighbours, you will help us to reach our charitable goals. ------ Notre tirage principal 50/50 aura lieu le 1er août à 9h. Nos prochains tirages hâtif auront lieu 30 septembre. Veuillez continuer à promouvoir notre tirage 50/50. En achetant des billets et en le disant à votre famille, vos amis et vos voisins, vous nous aiderez à atteindre nos objectifs de bienfaisance.   Buy Tickets Now   [...]

50/50 Raffle Early Bird Draw (3rd Quarter) 2021-07-15T18:37:32+00:00

Check presentation 50/50 Raffle winner


Submitted by Ontario State Council On July 6th, State Deputy, Marcel Lemmen and Past State Deputy, David Peters, presented the cheque to Charlotte Carnery, our jackpot winner for the 2nd quarter 50/50 Raffle. Also present were Grand Knight of Council 4120, Enrico Vasco and District Deputy of District 99, Ron Frank. Council 4120 sold the winning ticket. (Shown in the picture from left to right are Immediate Past State Deputy, David Peters, Ed and Charlotte Carney, State Deputy, Marcel Lemmen, Grand Knight of Council 4120, Enrico Vasco and District Deputy of District 99, Ron Frank.) ❤ Thank you everyone for supporting [...]

Check presentation 50/50 Raffle winner 2021-07-13T15:44:47+00:00

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