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FBE For Precious Blood Council 9143 in Scarborough


Submitted by Bruce Poulin Rev. William F. Breen On March 5 some twenty members of Council 9143 in Scarborough gathered for their second of two Fraternal Benefit Events. Also in attendance was our State Deputy. It was the first official visit by a State Deputy in that Council's history. Thank you to Grand Knight Robert Bentley and District Deputy #107, Dennis Wahking, for organizing and hosting the event.

FBE For Precious Blood Council 9143 in Scarborough 2024-03-11T16:22:20+00:00

Council 11098 Exemplification


Submitted by Alex Chinnappan, District Deputy St. Isaac Jogues Council # 11098 One Degree Exemplification was held last night ( 26th February 2024 )  at St. Isaac Jogues Council # 11098 , Pickering. Seven (7) new members attended the  One Degree Exemplification. DD SK Alex Chinnappan Arokiam attended the Event.

Council 11098 Exemplification 2024-02-29T15:58:45+00:00

District 100 Special Olympics Flag Relay


Submitted by Gregory Lougheed, District Deputy District 100 The Knights of Columbus District 100 brought the Ontario Special Olympics Flag to St. Mary’s, St. Stephen’s, Notre Dame and St. Patrick’s Catholic Elementary Schools, Hagersville, Cayuga and Caledonia ON and students various classes signed it. It is one of the 7 Flags circulating Ontario. The purpose of the Knights of Columbus Flag Relay is to raise public awareness of the Special Olympics Program. Special Olympics is one of the many community projects in which State and sub-ordinate council participation is highly encouraged by the Supreme Council of the Knights of [...]

District 100 Special Olympics Flag Relay 2024-01-31T18:05:08+00:00

State Deputy Dinner Districts 53 and 27


Submitted by Ontario State Council Saturday 18 November, our State Deputy, Bruce S. Poulin, had a chance to meet with the leadership from districts 53 and 27 in an informal setting. Everyone is excited for the upcoming District Deputy Workshop and Ladies program scheduled for 1-3 December.  Those present also celebrated District Master Anthony D'Souza's birthday. Happy 78!

State Deputy Dinner Districts 53 and 27 2023-11-20T17:58:52+00:00

Fourth Degree Exemplification


Submitted by Ontario State Council Saturday morning, November 18, some 120 Sir Knights of the Order of the Knights of Columbus gathered to witness 35 new candidates exemplified into the Fourth degree of the Order. Those attending included Sir Knights from the Second Ontario District, as well as the Deputy Supreme Knight, Arthur Peters (who was also the Honouree for the event) and our State Deputy, Bruce S. Poulin.

Fourth Degree Exemplification 2023-11-20T17:02:45+00:00

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