


Exemplification (Hybrid) is held at St. Josephine Bakhita Church,  7:30 PM. Candidates to be there for 7:00 PM. Pre-registration is required as we need to know how many candidates attend live and zoom as this is a Hybrid Exemplification. To register, contact James Zammit at [email protected] or Joseph Remedios at [email protected] To attend via zoom, please see below. Zoom link:  https://zoom.us/j/98753609322?pwd=TDRwQWxucjNyT1RWbGFCSGVIUmVvUT09 Meeting ID: 987 5360 9322 Passcode: 482089

Exemplification 2024-05-23T20:04:06+00:00

Online Training: Financial Officer Training


Financial Officer Training This training covers the relationship between those officers entrusted with the financial management of the council. Grand Knights, Financial Secretaries, Treasurers and Council Trustees should take this training. Registration here.

Online Training: Financial Officer Training 2024-05-23T19:22:09+00:00

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