
Knights of Columbus and Royal Canadian Legion team up in Cornwall to support unhoused veterans


Submitted by Bruce S. Poulin, State DeputyThe front cover of the Jan. 8 edition of Cornwall Standard-Freeholder newspaper featured the Knights of Columbus and Royal Canadian Legion teaming up in Cornwall to help provide homeless and struggling veterans with coats and scarves during the winter months. Our State Deputy Bruce S. Poulin alongside State Warden Earle DePass, Royal Canadian Legion Branch 297 President Marvin Plumadore, and retired military chaplain Rory McDondal gathered on Jan. 8 in Cornwall to discuss the program and make a donation of Coats. Read the full article online here: https://www.standard-freeholder.com/news/knights-legion-unhoused-veterans

Knights of Columbus and Royal Canadian Legion team up in Cornwall to support unhoused veterans 2025-01-27T14:40:44+00:00

Council 755 General Meeting


Submitted by Bruce S. Poulin, State DeputyOn January 8, Our State Deputy vitiated Ontario Council #755 in Cornwall to attend their general meeting but also to make several presentations. Photo 1: Our State Deputy presents the Roll of Honour to Grand Knight Council #755, Roland Besner, acknowledging their members contribution to the Canadian Catholic Army Huts during the Great War (1914-1918) Photo 2: Our State Deputy explaining the incredible effort and sacrifices made by brothers Gerald Sampson and Richard Plamondon who have served the Knights of Columbus for more than 50 continuous years. Photo 3: (LtoR) Our State Deputy; Gerald Samson; [...]

Council 755 General Meeting 2025-01-15T15:16:54+00:00

Council 485 Church Drive at St. Basil’s Church


Submitted by Bruce S. Poulin, State DeputyCouncil 485 Three days before Christmas, our State Deputy, Bruce S. Poulin, and Membership Director, Dem Magmanlac, and several members of Council 485 found one more opportunity to reach out to some parishioners and talk to them about the great work being done by the Knights of Columbus. The result was another ten prospects for the Order. What a great way to usher in Christmas!

Council 485 Church Drive at St. Basil’s Church 2025-01-02T15:49:07+00:00



Exemplification (Hybrid) is held at St. Josephine Bakhita Church,  7:30 PM. Candidates to be there for 7:00 PM. Pre-registration is required as we need to know how many candidates attend live and zoom as this is a Hybrid Exemplification. To register, contact James Zammit at [email protected] or Joseph Remedios at [email protected] To attend via zoom, please see below. Zoom link:  https://zoom.us/j/98753609322?pwd=TDRwQWxucjNyT1RWbGFCSGVIUmVvUT09 Meeting ID: 987 5360 9322 Passcode: 482089

Exemplification 2024-05-23T20:04:06+00:00

Online Training: Financial Officer Training


Financial Officer Training This training covers the relationship between those officers entrusted with the financial management of the council. Grand Knights, Financial Secretaries, Treasurers and Council Trustees should take this training. Registration here.

Online Training: Financial Officer Training 2024-05-23T19:22:09+00:00

Find out what your local knights are doing.