//Tag:Council #2444

Refurbishing Confessional with Stain Glass Paintings


Submitted by Pierre ChartierRideauA second stain glass painting of the "Face of Jesus" was completed by Council 2444 to create a "merciful climate" in the Confessional Room of St. Francis de Sales Church in Smiths Falls as well as cast more colorful light in the room. The first painting of a "welcoming paraclete" was completed last fall to the inside window. Father Brennan hopes that more parishioners will partake in the beautiful sacrament of Reconciliation as a consequence. Vivat Jesus ... our Merciful Savior!

Refurbishing Confessional with Stain Glass Paintings 2023-09-19T00:00:00+00:00

Liturgy of the Hour in Honor of St. Joseph Icon Pilgrimage


Submitted by Pierre ChartierRideauPilgrimage of St. Joseph Icon On Thursday, Sept. 28th Father Brennan led the KofC and fellow parishioners in a solemn and inspirational Liturgy of the Hour as part of the Knight’s Pilgrimage of St. Joseph Icon. Father Brennan reminded us that our world desperately needs men and women of courage. But in a particular way it needs courageous fathers – men willing to stand up and to carry out their own mission of protecting, defending, and raising future generations. It needs men willing to risk it all, to offer the world Jesus!

Liturgy of the Hour in Honor of St. Joseph Icon Pilgrimage 2022-09-28T00:00:00+00:00

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