//Tag:Council #13785

Council 13785 celebrating the Feast Day of the Consecration to the Holy Family at St. Barnabas Parish-Toronto


Submitted by GK SK Yolando FernandesSt. Barnabas CouncilSt. Barnabas Parish held a special holy mass, sponsored by KOFC Council 13785, celebrating the Feast Day of the Consecration to the Holy Family, on Monday 30th December’24 at 7.00pm, followed by reception in the parish hall thereafter. To live out the joy of Christ, the parishioners and brother knights of St. Barnabas Parish, came together in faith, to consecrate themselves under the protection of the Holy Family. Our Worthy Chaplain Fr. Victor Amole prayed for consecration of our families, to strengthen families and revitalize our parishes. Thanks to all brother knights and their [...]

Council 13785 celebrating the Feast Day of the Consecration to the Holy Family at St. Barnabas Parish-Toronto 2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00

Keeping Christ in Christmas alive at St. Barnabas Parish


Submitted by GK SK Yolando FernandesSt. Barnabas ParishBetween December 12, 19 and 24, brother Knights of Council 13785 helped decorate the church by installing the indoor & outdoor cribs, putting up the fresh Christmas trees & lights, decorate the entire church,etc. Each group were assigned different tasks to ignite the church with the spirit of keeping Christ in Christmas alive. We also recruited one new e-member. Thanks to all brother knights that volunteered their time for a worthy cause and showed their support to our pastoral team.

Keeping Christ in Christmas alive at St. Barnabas Parish 2024-12-23T20:19:32+00:00

Food for Families – Thanksgiving Food Donation Drive to Good Shepherd Ministry


Submitted by GK SK Yolando FernandesSt. Barnabas CouncilMembers of St. Barnabas Council 13785 held a Thanksgiving Food Donation Drive for Good Shepherd Ministry-downtown Toronto during the weekend of Saturday 12th October - Monday 14th October 2024. We collected a total of 1,567 lbs of non perishable food and $ 190/- in monetary funds. WGK thanks the pastoral team, parishioners and all brother knights involved for helping with the collection, packing and delivery. GSM serves daily free meals to the poor and shelter to the homeless.

Food for Families – Thanksgiving Food Donation Drive to Good Shepherd Ministry 2024-10-15T00:00:00+00:00

Holy Hour Fatima Devotion


Submitted by GK SK Yolando FernandesSt. Barnabas CouncilMembers of St. Barnabas Council 13785 along with Honor Guards from Bishop Greco Assembly 2113 participated in the Holy Hour Fatima Devotion on Sunday 13th October 2024 at St. Barnabas Parish, with holy mass at 7pm, followed by procession & Eucharistic Adoration thereafter. There were approx 500+ parishioners along with brother knights & their families. Knights (Joseph Fox, James McLean and Joey Castaneda) carried the statue of Our Blessed Mother during procession. The event was officiated by our Pastor Fr. Hansoo Park, assisted by Deacon Paul. It was a day filled with many blessings [...]

Holy Hour Fatima Devotion 2024-10-13T00:00:00+00:00

Life Chain at St. Barnabas Parish


Submitted by GK SK Yolando FernandesSt. Barnabas CouncilMembers of the Knights of Columbus St. Barnabas Council 13785 participated in the Life Chain event on Sunday 6th October 2024 from 2-3pm. Brother Knights distributed the placards to the parishioners, monitored the crowd at the 4 intersections in front of our parish and collected the placards after the event. It was a peaceful event with approx 250 attendees and praying the rosary. Thanks to all Brother Knights, parishioners, other ministries of St. Barnabas Parish, along with our pastoral team, in showing their support to Pro Life.

Life Chain at St. Barnabas Parish 2024-10-06T00:00:00+00:00

Winter Coats for Kids Donation Drive


Submitted by GK SK Yolando FernandesSt. Barnabas CouncilBrother knights of council 13785 held a Winter Coats for Kids donation drive after all the weekend masses on Sat 24th Aug and Sun 25th Aug’24 in the church narthex. Thanks to the generous donations from the parishioners and brother knights, we were able to collect a total of 66 coats, which will be distributed to the poor children in our local community. We thank our pastoral team, our parishioners, and everyone involved for their support and generosity towards a worthy cause.

Winter Coats for Kids Donation Drive 2024-08-25T00:00:00+00:00

Holy Hour Fatima Devotion


Submitted by GK SK Yolando FernandesSt. Barnabas ParishMembers of St. Barnabas Council 13785 along with Honor Guards from Bishop Greco Assembly 2113 participated in the Holy Hour Fatima Devotion on Saturday 13th July 2024 at St. Barnabas Parish, followed by procession and Holy Eucharistic Adoration thereafter. There were approximately 500+ parishioners along with brother knights and their families. The event was officiated by Fr. Hansoo Park and assisted by new associate Pastor – Fr. Jeremy Zou. It was a day filled with many blessings bringing our community in faith to honour our Blessed Mother.

Holy Hour Fatima Devotion 2024-07-13T00:00:00+00:00

Helping Hands to St. Barnabas Youth Kingdom Camp BBQ Event


Submitted by GK SK Yolando FernandesSt. Barnabas Council St. Barnabas Council 13785 provided helping hands in support of the St. Barnabas Youth Kingdom Camp held in the Church parking lot. The Knights were requested by our Pastoral team to help set up the tents, tables, chairs & take charge of the BBQ. Brother Knights were on site from 3pm to 8pm preparing the BBQ and serving to over 500+ parishioners which included the parents of the youth. It was day filled with music, fun, dancing, interacting with the community and lots of food. Thanks to all Brother Knights that came out [...]

Helping Hands to St. Barnabas Youth Kingdom Camp BBQ Event 2024-07-12T00:00:00+00:00

Holy Hour Fatima Devotion


Submitted by GK Yolando FernandesSt. Barnabas CouncilMembers of the Knights of Columbus council 13785 along with their families participated in the Holy Hour Fatima Devotion on Thursday 13th June 2024 with holy mass at 7pm, followed by procession and Holy Eucharistic Adoration thereafter. Holy Mass was officiated by our Worthy Chaplin Fr. Fraser McLaren. Thanks to the Honor Guards that graced the occasion. As usual there were approx 250 parishioners in attendance. Thanks to all brother knights and their families that came together in harmony to celebrate our monthly Fatima Devotion.

Holy Hour Fatima Devotion 2024-06-13T00:00:00+00:00

St. Barnabas 48th Anniversary Celebration


Submitted by SK Yolando FernandesSt. Barnabas ParishSt. Barnabas Parish-Toronto, had a special mass at 9am, on Saturday 8th June 2024 celebrating its 48th Anniversary, with Knights of Columbus Honor Guards, followed by procession and Eucharistic Adoration thereafter. Members of Council 13785 came out early morning to assist with the setup of the tents, tables, chairs, the BBQ and preparation of the food (burgers, sausages, etc.). Brother knights also assisted with the clean up after the event which ended around 3.30pm. It was a day filled with music, games, raffle draws, lots of food and social mingling with our parish community and [...]

St. Barnabas 48th Anniversary Celebration 2024-06-08T00:00:00+00:00

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