//Tag:Andrew Onwuegbuzie

FAMILIA story in Mazatlan


Submitted by Andrew Onwuegbuzie Rev. J.E. Regan Brother Oli Cajanek of Rev. J.E. Regan Council 3909 – is in Mazatlan helping Poor people by running a Community Centre providing programs and feeding on average 50 kids twice a day with 5 staff. He also runs a sponsorship program with the help of his friends which has produced over 100 graduates. Currently his project is sponsoring 14 students in high school and 22 in university. Ramirez, the World Boxing Champion has joined his executive as president of the non-profit association and started a boxing academy for 30 Teenagers and 10 Adults. Bro [...]

FAMILIA story in Mazatlan 2022-05-06T13:37:33+00:00

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