/Crossword puzzle Spring 2022 EN
Crossword puzzle Spring 2022 EN 2022-04-04T15:17:38+00:00

Spring 2022 State Bulletin Crossword Puzzle

1. The name of the only city in Ontario to host the Annual Supreme Council convention?
2. Family name of the first French speaking Canadian to be elected to the State Board in 1904?
3. Known as the Miracle Man of Montréal. He was made a Saint in 2010. What was his first name?
4. Three ships set sail with Christopher Columbus during his voyage to the Americas. What was the name of the ship that accidentally ran aground on December 25, 1492?
5. What transportation network was used to established subordinate councils throughout the province of Ontario during its early formative years?
6. The family name of the only State Deputy to become a Canadian Senator in parliament?
7. What is the month that Columbus landed in the Americas for the first time on his first voyage?
8. Before Ontario was considered a state, it was deemed to be a district of which State in the United States?
9. What is the name of the town or city that hosts the most eastern subordinate council in the province of Ontario?
10. The only city in Canada to host a Blessed Father Michael J. McGivney Honoris?

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