//Godwill Tengen

About Godwill Tengen

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So far Godwill Tengen has created 198 blog entries.

Blue Mass at Sts Mary and Martha in Mississauga


Submitted by Bruce S. Poulin, State DeputyFor the first time in seven years, a blue mass was hosted by the Knights of Columbus for first responders, police and our military veterans at Sts. Mary and Martha Church in Mississauga on November 16. It was a nice tradition that was always appreciated by the community, and it was a much anticipated return of a tradition that was sorely missed for several years. Congrats on our brother Knights for bringing the event back to the community.

Blue Mass at Sts Mary and Martha in Mississauga 2024-11-27T14:52:02+00:00

Council 3881 75th Anniversary


Submitted by Bruce S. Poulin, State DeputyCouncil 3881On November 15, our State Deputy had the honour of attending the 70th Anniversary celebration of Council 3881 in Oakville. The event was a resounding success, with over 250 attendees gathering to mark this special occasion. The evening's highlights included recognition of three remarkable milestones: Bishop Crosby's 50 years of service to the clergy, Father Louis Lenssen's 50th Anniversary of his ordination of being a priest and Brother Terry Mulloy's 50 years of continuous service to the Knights of Columbus.

Council 3881 75th Anniversary 2024-11-25T15:13:04+00:00

Lasagna Dinner


Submitted by Dale TuepahDr. J. F. DunnThe Knights of Carleton Place/Almonte served up a Lasagna Dinner to 130 patrons. There were15 members including our Chaplain Fr. Stéphane Pouliot of St. Mary's CP and 5 wives working the event. Our DD30 Barry Nicholls and his wife Myrna were in attendance along with Fr. Cyprian Adibe of Holy Name of Mary in Almonte.

Lasagna Dinner 2024-11-24T00:00:00+00:00



Submitted by Hikmat Michel DandanJesus the KingYou are the "Good Samaritans of these days" Canada Melkite Catholic Eparchial Bishop Milad addressed the Knights of Columbus members in the Cathedral of Transfiguration. The Jerusalem Students 2024 annual Mass was held in the Cathedral of the Transfiguration, Markham. His Eminence Archbishop Emeritus Cardinal Thomas Collins and the Canada Melkite Catholic Bishop His Excellency Milad El Jawich presided on the Mass with Monsignor Makarios Wehbi, the pastor of Jesus the King Melkite Catholic Church. The Chief Knights of Columbus dignitary and speaker was the Deputy Supreme Knight Arthur Peters. The Honor Guard which glorified [...]


Coats For Kids


Submitted by Tom MitchellSt. Basil's The St. Basil's Knight's of Columbus Council 13442 in Brantford Ontario continues to participate in the Coats for Kids program. This year we donated 2 boxes of winter coats to the Brantford Food Bank. The coats will be donated to those in need through the Food Bank's Christmas Basket Program.

Coats For Kids 2024-11-22T00:00:00+00:00

Coats for Kids


Submitted by Dale TuepahDr. J. F. DunnThe Knights of Dr. J.F. Dunn Council 5153 Carleton Place/Almonte, presented the Lanark County Interval House in Carleton Place, a box of adult female coats.

Coats for Kids 2024-11-21T00:00:00+00:00

Food Bank donation


Submitted by Paul O'NeillMsgr. Paul J. Meyer Through the efforts of Brother Matt Foran a member of Council 4916, he and his family coordinated a Food Drive in their neighbourhood. They collected 465 lbs. of food and raised $6,475 for the North York Harvest Food Bank.

Food Bank donation 2024-11-19T00:00:00+00:00

St. Basil’s Hosts Remembrance Day ceremony on November


Submitted by Bruce S. Poulin, State DeputyWhile many councils hosted Remembrance Day ceremonies at their respective local parishes, only a handful of Roundtables did likewise. The Roundtable at St. Basil's Parish in Ottawa did host a special remembrance Day Mass for the Veteran's which was very well received by the parishioners.

St. Basil’s Hosts Remembrance Day ceremony on November 2024-11-18T15:18:01+00:00

Installation of Founding Officers for Council 18495 in Milton


Submitted by Bruce S. Poulin, State DeputyCouncil 18495 in MiltonOn November 13, our Worthy District Deputy #67, Rory Facca, conducted the first Installation of Officers ceremony for Council #18495 in Milton. During the ceremony, District Deputy Facca also presented the members with a special tablecloth donated by our State Deputy in celebration of this new Council in Ontario.

Installation of Founding Officers for Council 18495 in Milton 2024-11-18T15:02:26+00:00

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