Godwill Tengen

About Godwill Tengen

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So far Godwill Tengen has created 194 blog entries.

    Thanksgiving Food Drive


    Submitted by Tom MitchellSt. Basil'sSt. Basil's Knights of Columbus Council 13442 in Brantford, held their Thanksgiving Food Drive on October 5th. Thanks to the generous donations of the parishioners of St. Basil's Parish, we collected 1,208 pounds of food, toiletries and hygiene supplies. All items were donated to the St. Vincent DePaul Brantford Food Bank. All items will be distributed to those in need in the community.

    Thanksgiving Food Drive 2024-10-08T15:55:45+00:00
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    District 1 Exemplification


    Submitted by Nicholas Quadrini, District DeputyDistrict 11District 1 (home of the first council in Ontario) held its first district-wide exemplification on September 28th. The exemplification team led by Our Lady of Fatima Council 9742 welcomed 15 new candidates into the order across three councils (St Pats (Pioneer) 485, Our Lady of Fatima 9742, and St George's 12124). Many council leaders said this was one of the largest exemplification classes ever seen in the district. DD Nicholas Quadrini also presented GK Doug McKenzie (9742) with his 2023-24 Father McGivney Award for Membership Excellence.

    District 1 Exemplification 2024-09-30T14:11:01+00:00



      Submitted by Hikmat Michel DandanJESUS THE KING In order to encourage and provide financial assistance to Ontario Melkite Catholic students entering post-secondary studies, Jesus the King Council 15045 announced in all its Ontario parishes a total of three scholarship awards of $1,000.00 each to be granted. The Scholarship Awards were based on scholastic achievement, community service, financial needs and personal hardship situation. The qualifications to apply, require that the student must be entering postsecondary School and must be a Melkite Catholic living anywhere in Ontario. The Student applicants were required to complete an application by end of June. A three-member selection [...]


        Cheque presentation to the Childrens Treatment Centre


        Submitted by Rolland BesnerOntario Council 755Council 755 presented Robine Sabourin of the Childrens Treatment Centre with a donation of $ 1,500.00 towards the annual celebrity walk fund raiser. The Children’s Treatment Centre operates without government funding. It exists primarily because of donations from local businesses, corporations, financial institutions, civic groups, churches and concerned individuals.

        Cheque presentation to the Childrens Treatment Centre 2024-09-25T00:00:00+00:00

          St. Peters Parish spaghetti fund raiser.


          Submitted by Rolland BesnerOntario Council 755On September 22, 2024 Council 755 volunteers along with members of the Catholic Women's League helped to support a spaghetti fund raiser with proceeds to St. Peters parish. Our Council paid for the food and supplies. The event was held in our own facility. Over 200 plates were served that evening.

          St. Peters Parish spaghetti fund raiser. 2024-10-02T12:55:27+00:00



            Submitted by Hikmat Michel Dandan Jesus the King Congratulations to the sponsors whose student has graduated. The students sent you all a moving thank you video message for granting them the gift of education all the previous years until their graduation. Please click and view it and share it with your contacts and friends. Thanks to you, so far including this 2024 year, the Jerusalem Students scholarship program has 64 graduates. All graduates have gone into higher learning and hopefully will form successful Christian families that will grow to populate the Holy Land and strengthen the Christian presence. 85 more needy [...]

            JERUSALEM STUDENTS 2024 GRADUATES THANK THEIR SPONSORS 2024-09-24T17:30:47+00:00

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