Bruce’s story

Young Bruce Poulin.
Bruce’s story, one of many members of the Order, saw him born in Ottawa (Vanier), was educated in French public schools until his graduation and admission to Canadian Military at age 16. There, he took academic prizes in History and Political Science in English, graduating with First Class Honors from the Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston. Thereupon, he received a full academic scholarship and earned his Master of Arts degree from the School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) at Johns Hopkins University, Washington, DC., in International Relations majoring in finance, conflict management, and Canadian studies.

Royal Canadian Artillery Officer
Following his academic schooling Bruce felt invincible only to be humbled by his search for a life balance between real-world work, and his family. He is a disabled veteran who spent half of his adult life as an Officer in the Canadian Armed Forces and NATO. He left the military because he felt he was losing touch with the message he was trying to deliver through his military service.

Remembrance Day
He joined the Royal Canadian Legion where he worked as their Manager of Media and Public Relations at their national headquarters before he worked for the Conference of Defence Associations Institute and later as the senior communications representative for Lockheed Martin Canada. His professional background spans some 40 years and three retirements. Currently, he is the founder and CEO of a media relations company called BSP Consultants.
“It was during his time in the military, that Bruce wondered if his experience could also be applied elsewhere and provide some balance between his service to his country, his community, and his family by holding public office.”

1999 Photo Courtesy Bruno Schlumberger, Ottawa Citizen.
For more than 30 of those same years, Bruce had been beetling away happily with fraternal organizations, youth clubs, Church activities, neighborhood, and civic associations, pro-life, sports, and recreational activities. During this period, three successive Governors General of Canada, have awarded him, on behalf of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, a medal for his outstanding community work: The Queen Elizabeth II’s Golden and Diamond Jubilee medals in 2002 and 2012 respectively, in 2016, Bruce received the Sovereign’s Medal for volunteers.

Grand Knight 2012
But the truth is, everything changed for him when he joined the Knights of Columbus in Ontario in 2007 and more so in 2015 when he adopted a growth mindset that allowed him to achieve something beyond his wildest dreams – election on the Knights of Columbus State Council executive. While on this journey, Bruce suffered a heart attack and underwent emergency quadruple open heart bypass surgery in March of 2022.
Since then, Bruce has shared his story of recovery because he feels that he was given a life-changing opportunity to revive his Faith and better serve the Knights of Columbus. See more at “HIS STORY OF FAITH”.
As Pope Benedict XVI Said: “Anyone who has discovered Christ must lead others to him. A great joy cannot be kept to oneself. It has to be passed on.”

Leaving the Institute March 2022
Leading the members of the Order in Ontario towards celebrating their 125th anniversary in 2025, as their State Deputy, is one of the happiest times of his life. He is the sixth State Deputy elected from Council #485 in Ottawa – the birthplace of the Knights of Columbus in Ontario and the sixtieth State Deputy from Ontario.
Bruce is the 6th State Deputy from Council #485 in Ottawa – the birthplace of the Knights of Columbus in Ontario and the 60th State Deputy from Ontario.
Installation of BRUCE POULIN as State Deputy
in New Haven, CT June 9, 2023.

Young Bruce Poulin.
Bruce’s story, one of many members of the Order, saw him born in Ottawa (Vanier), was educated in French public schools until his graduation and admission to Canadian Military at age 16. There, he took academic prizes in History and Political Science in English, graduating with First Class Honors from the Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston. Thereupon, he received a full academic scholarship and earned his Master of Arts degree from the School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) at Johns Hopkins University, Washington, DC., in International Relations majoring in finance, conflict management, and Canadian studies.

Royal Canadian Artillery Officer
Following his academic schooling Bruce felt invincible only to be humbled by his search for a life balance between real-world work, and his family. He is a disabled veteran who spent half of his adult life as an Officer in the Canadian Armed Forces and NATO. He left the military because he felt he was losing touch with the message he was trying to deliver through his military service.

Remembrance Day
He joined the Royal Canadian Legion where he worked as their Manager of Media and Public Relations at their national headquarters before he worked for the Conference of Defence Associations Institute and later as the senior communications representative for Lockheed Martin Canada. His professional background spans some 40 years and three retirements. Currently, he is the founder and CEO of a media relations company called BSP Consultants.
“It was during his time in the military, that Bruce wondered if his experience could also be applied elsewhere and provide some balance between his service to his country, his community, and his family by holding public office.”

1999 Photo Courtesy Bruno Schlumberger, Ottawa Citizen.
For more than 30 of those same years, Bruce had been beetling away happily with fraternal organizations, youth clubs, Church activities, neighborhood, and civic associations, pro-life, sports, and recreational activities. During this period, three successive Governors General of Canada, have awarded him, on behalf of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, a medal for his outstanding community work: The Queen Elizabeth II’s Golden and Diamond Jubilee medals in 2002 and 2012 respectively, in 2016, Bruce received the Sovereign’s Medal for volunteers.

Grand Knight 2012
But the truth is, everything changed for him when he joined the Knights of Columbus in Ontario in 2007 and more so in 2015 when he adopted a growth mindset that allowed him to achieve something beyond his wildest dreams – election on the Knights of Columbus State Council executive. While on this journey, Bruce suffered a heart attack and underwent emergency quadruple open heart bypass surgery in March of 2022.
Since then, Bruce has shared his story of recovery because he feels that he was given a life-changing opportunity to revive his Faith and better serve the Knights of Columbus. See more at “HIS STORY OF FAITH”.
As Pope Benedict XVI Said: “Anyone who has discovered Christ must lead others to him. A great joy cannot be kept to oneself. It has to be passed on.”

Leaving the Institute March 2022
Leading the members of the Order in Ontario towards celebrating their 125th anniversary in 2025, as their State Deputy, is one of the happiest times of his life. He is the sixth State Deputy elected from Council #485 in Ottawa – the birthplace of the Knights of Columbus in Ontario and the sixtieth State Deputy from Ontario.
Bruce is the 6th State Deputy from Council #485 in Ottawa – the birthplace of the Knights of Columbus in Ontario and the 60th State Deputy from Ontario.
Installation of BRUCE POULIN as State Deputy
in New Haven, CT June 9, 2023.
Who is Bruce?
Having spent most of his life in the Ottawa area, Bruce understands the distinction between making noise and making a difference. This ability, combined with his involvement with his local community and his experience in public affairs, gave him the opportunity to work with some of the most notable military leaders in Canada during the late 20th century. It was during his time in the military, that Bruce wondered if his experience could also be applied elsewhere and provide some balance between his service to his country, his community, and his family by holding public office.
Bruce did serve as a Ward councilor at the military base in Kingston, but failed in his foray into provincial politics in 2007 and his return to municipal affairs in Ottawa in 2010 was also unsuccessful. His unsuccessful attempts at entering politics seemed to condemn him to a perfectly normal, and relatively private, retired life.
“It was during his time in the military, that Bruce wondered if his experience
could also be applied elsewhere and provide some balance between his service
to his country, his community, and his family by holding public office.”
But the truth is, everything changed for him when he joined the Knights of Columbus in Ontario in 2007 and more so in 2015 when he adopted a growth mindset that allowed him to achieve something beyond his wildest dreams – election on the Knights of Columbus State Council executive. Following his election to the State Council, this wannabe politician refocused his energies on becoming a Knights of Columbus statesman. Like the caterpillar morphing into a butterfly, Bruce has looked back upon this transition as a beautiful thing and hopes that joining the Knights of Columbus can be the start of a beautiful transition for many other Catholic men to become better.
Leading the members of the Order in Ontario towards celebrating their 125th anniversary in 2025, as their State Deputy, is one of the happiest times of his life. He is the fifth State Deputy elected from Council #485 in Ottawa – the birthplace of the Knights of Columbus in Ontario.
He is married to his loving spouse, Zoye and they have five of the greatest blessings of their lives, Jean-Mathieu, Dayna, Olivier, Rylan, and Catherine and two grandchildren.