Executive 2025-03-27T16:37:30+00:00

Your State Council Executive 

Capt. Bruce S. Poulin (ret’d), MA, BA(Hon), CD1

State Deputy – Député D’État

Bruce Poulin lives with his wife and two dogs in a small suburb of Ottawa. Bruce joined the Knights of Columbus in 2007 after his grandmother had died. He discovered some Knights of Columbus artifacts she had hidden away in her home after her husband and member of the Order had died in 1972 – some 35 years beforehand. His curiosity about the items and the Order quickly turned into a passion to help Catholic men and boys make society a happier, better place for their families to live freely, and grow, in a more prosperous tomorrow. This phrase would eventually become part of his life motto. After gaining experience in all major positions at the council level, he was appointed as a District Deputy in 2014. Since being elected to State Council in April 2015, he has progressed through all positions on the executive until being unanimously acclaimed as State Deputy in April 2023.

Bruce may claim to be a laidback middle-aged retiree, but he sure has a lot of irons in the fire. Besides being the founding president of a media relations consulting firm, he is also the CEO of the largest Catholic fraternal not-for-profit volunteer organization in Ontario, hosting the Trillium Knights podcasts, and transitioning from a successful writer to an author with the publication of a two-volume set on the history of the Knights of Columbus in Ontario (1900 – 2025) due for release next year. Apparently, this is the same person who claims to be enjoying retirement. Read more.

    [email protected] 

Archbishop Marcel Damphousse

State Chaplain – Aumônier D’État

Bishop Marcel DamphousseBorn on 1963, in Saint Joseph, Manitoba, Archbishop Marcel Damphousse was ordained a priest on June 28th, 1991, for the Archdiocese of Saint Boniface. He served in a number of French and English parishes throughout the Archdiocese before being appointed Rector of the Cathedral in 2008. He earned a Bachelor’s degree in psychology in 1984 at the University College of Saint-Boniface, followed by a Bachelor’s degree in theology in 1989 from Saint Paul University, Ottawa.

His Grace received his formation for the priesthood at Saint Paul’s Seminary, Ottawa. In 2002, he earned a licentiate in spiritual theology from the Teresianum in Rome.

For a number of years, Most Reverend Damphousse taught at the Manitoba Catholic School of Evangelization, and was vocations director for more than 12 years. Before being appointed Rector of the Cathedral, he was chaplain at St. Boniface Diocesan High School for five years.

He gained experience as a member of the Diocesan Finance Committee, of the Presbyteral Council and of the Diocesan Commissions for Liturgy and for Catechesis. He also served as the spiritual director of the TEC (To Encounter Christ) movement for eight years.

On June 28th, 2012, His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI appointed the Reverend Marcel Damphousse as Bishop of Alexandria-Cornwall. He was ordained bishop on September 2, 2012, in St. Finnan’s Cathedral in Alexandria, ON. On November 12th, 2015, His Holiness Pope Francis appointed Archbishop Damphousse as the sixth Bishop of the Diocese of Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada.

On May 6, 2020, Archbishop Marcel Damphousse was named the coadjutor archbishop of the newly created Archdiocese of Ottawa-Cornwall. He succeeded Archbishop Terrence Prendergast following the latter’s retirement on December 3, 2020.

His Grace joined the Knights of Columbus after he turned 18 years old in Manitoba. The Association of Catholic Bishops (ACBO) appointed Archbishop Damphousse as the State Chaplain for the Ontario State Council in 2015 where he served in that capacity for five years. After he assumed the duties of Archbishop for the Archdiocese of Ottawa-Cornwall, he graciously accepted to return as the Ontario State Chaplain in 2023, to help with the preparations leading up to the 125th anniversary of the Knights of Columbus in Ontario in 2025.

Marcel Lemmen

Immediate Past State Deputy – Ex-Député D’État

Marcel Lemmen was born on October 16, 1963, in The Netherlands and immigrated to Canada with his family in 1968. He received a Bachelor of Applied Science degree in engineering and management sciences from the University of Waterloo in 1989 and is a licensed Professional Engineer.

Marcel married Charlene in 1994 and they have a daughter, Grace. He is the Operations Manager for his family business, E.M. Precise Tool Ltd.

Marcel joined the Knights of Columbus in 1997 at St. Francis Xavier Council 12067 in Mississauga. He served in many executive positions in that council including two terms as Grand Knight. In 2007 he moved to Stoney Creek and helped start Immaculate Heart of Mary Council 14421, serving as the Charter Grand Knight. Marcel served three terms as the District Deputy of District 60 in Hamilton before being appointed in 2013 to the Ontario State Board as the Director of New Council Development and Round Tables. In 2015, he was elected State Advocate, in 2017, State Treasurer, and in 2019, State Secretary. He has been an active member of the Fourth Degree since 2005.

When not busy with the Knights, Marcel is an avid cyclist and runner and has completed over 30 full marathons, including the Boston Marathon twice.

  [email protected]

David Gelinas

State Secretary – Secrétaire D’État

David was born in June 1965 in Windsor. He was the first generation in his family born in Ontario. His ancestors, father and son, came over from France in the 1670’s and generations lived in Quebec. David graduated from F.J. Brennan Catholic HS in Windsor in 1984 and received a diploma from St Clair College in computer/electronic technician in 1990. David’s hobby in computers continues today to help friends with computer problems and keeping two K of C websites he created regularly updated.

David retired from Chrysler Canada in Aug 2020 after 35 years. David married Lori (nee Blair) in July 1992 and they were blessed with 2 daughters, Taylor and Kelcie. Their family pet is Berkley an eleven year old male American Cocker Spaniel and David says Berkley makes him laugh every day.

Lori is a convert to the Catholic faith through the RCIA program in 2002. Lori says David was “converted” first, from a city boy to a county boy, when they moved to the quaint small town of Kingsville after the birth of Taylor in London.

David joined the Knights in Feb 2002 and was the first knight in his council to achieve the Shining Armor award which David says is a great mentoring program. His brother knights entrusted him as Grand Knight of Council #8233 (Kingsville) from 2005 to 2007 and both years the council achieved the Star Council award. David was instrumental in establishing Squires Circle #5147 in Nov 2006, in the name of the late Constable John Atkinson (3rd degree knight). David served as a Faithful Navigator of Fr Louis Boué Assembly #2355 (Amherstburg) from 2009 to 2011, District Deputy 21 from 2012 to 2015, Secretary & Treasurer of the London West Diocesan Association from 2011 to 2015 and State Membership Retention Director from 2015 to 2017, State Bursary Director from 2017 to 2019 & 2021 to 2023, State Warden 2017 to 2019, State Advocate & State Accountability Officer for Safe Environment 2019 to 2021 and State Treasurer & State Raffle Director from 2021 to 2023.

David and Lori have taken to heart Supremes’ message that joining the Knights of Columbus is “an experience of a lifetime” and they treasure most, the relationships with the kindhearted men and ladies they meet along their journey.

  [email protected]

Joe Bodnar

State Treasurer – Tresorier D’État

Joe was born on June 13, 1960, in Toronto but after being adopted he was raised in Oshawa where he attended elementary and high school graduating from O’Neill Collegiate in 1977. After having various part-time jobs as a teenager, he accepted a full-time position at General Motors in Oshawa on October 5, 1979, and retired on November 1, 2009, with 30 years of service. Since retiring he has run his own contracting business.

Joe became a member of St. Joseph the Worker Council 9989 in Oshawa 22 years ago and was instrumental in starting the S.K. Leonard T. Smith Squires Circle 4742 where he was the Chief Counsellor for the Circle’s first 10 years. His Circle was successful and won many awards from Supreme and the Circle of the Year for two consecutive years. He was an Area Chairman for Metro East, the New Circle Development Chairman for Ontario, and then spent six years as the State Squires Director. He worked with Supreme to set up the Safe Environment program for the Squire Counsellors and also was asked for his advice on how to improve the Squire program. He has held many other volunteer positions with the State Board including the Basketball Free-Throw Chairman, Program Director, Mission Chairman, and the State Convention Director. He has also made three mission trips to Kingston, Jamaica to volunteer with Fr. Ho Lung’s Missionaries of the Poor.

Joe and Tricia have 5 children, Adam, Stephanie, Ashley, Alan, and Brent, and are blessed with three adorable grandchildren, Amelia, Austen, and Allie. They have numerous nieces and nephews and agree that family time is very important. This year they will be celebrating their 29th wedding anniversary. In their free time, they like traveling and Joe still continues to enjoy playing winter ice hockey and summer ball hockey.

  [email protected]

Henry Miller

State Advocate – Avocat D’État

Henry MillerHenry Miller was born on Candlemas of 1956 in Toronto and has been a lifelong resident of Toronto and a seasonal resident, since 1970, of Prince Edward County. He has worked at the Toronto Historical Board, in public accounting and was Finance Manager of the Catholic Children’s Aid Society of Toronto for thirteen years. In 2021 he retired, after seventeen years, from the Ontario Public Service (OPS) where he served in the Director’s Office of the Financial Management Branch of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Long-Term Care. He also enjoyed being faculty for OPS wide courses in financial and risk management. He has a BA in Political Science and Economics from the University of Toronto and is a Chartered Secretary (FCM/FCIS). He is President & Principal of Presentation, Governance, Finance & Administration, Communications, and a parliamentarian. Henry joined the Knights in 2003 (Toronto Council 1388), serving as Grand Knight and in a variety of other positions on the Executive. He also is a member of Cardinal McGuigan Assembly 865 and has served on the Assembly Executive. He was a District Deputy from 2015 to 2021 (District 5) and was founding Treasurer and later Chair of the Toronto Central Archdiocesan Zone (TCAZ).

Following the example set by his parents, Henry has long been active in the Church and in community and professional organizations, serving as a Board Member, Executive and Chair. He is a member of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish, Toronto, assisting in various ministries, including the choir and Pastoral Council, and St. Gregory the Great Parish, Picton.

Henry and his loving and lovely wife, Lynn, have been married since 1983 and are proud parents of Sebastian (Lauren), Victoria, Emily and Juliana and doting dog grandparents of Ted and Harvey.

[email protected]

Earle DePass

State Warden – Cérémoniaire d’Etat

Earle DePass, State Warden KofC 2023

Earle DePass was born in Kingston, Jamaica on July 12, 1960 and immigrated to Canada with his family in 1976. As a graduate from the diploma in Electronics Technology program (Newfoundland), Earle has over 40 years of technical experience within the Canadian Federal Public Service in various technical roles, while working for Transport Canada. His main role has always been to ensure the safety and technical integrity of the Air Navigation System in Canada. SK Earle is currently a Civil Aviation Safety Inspector working with drones of all shapes and sizes. The experience which Earle has, combined with the many positions he has held, has given him the experience to manage and lead teams while working closely with others. Earle maintains his designation as a Certified Engineering Technologist (C.E.T.) with The Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists (OACETT).

SK Earle has extensive knowledge and experience in the maintenance and installation of Communications, Navigation, Surveillance and Air Traffic Management systems used for Canadian Air Traffic Control. He has excellent management, leadership and communication skills and is very experienced in the training of adults. He speaks English, French, and Spanish.

SK Earle has been happily married to Francine for over 37 years and they have three adult offsprings. They recently celebrated the birth of their second grandchild. Earle has been an active member of the KofC since he joined the Order in 1997. He has held many Council and Regional positions including; Grand Knight, District Deputy (4 years) and Chairman of the Diocesan Association of Alexandria-Cornwall.

Earle is an aircraft owner, scuba diver (PADI), a member of the Cadet Instructor Cadre (CIC) of the Canadian Armed Forces and the Commanding Officer of a Royal Canadian Air Cadet squadron in Alexandria. As an active recreational pilot (power and glider) and Captain of the Canadian Owners and Pilots Association (COPA) Flight 59 in Cornwall, he enjoys flying small aeroplanes.

Earle has served the Ontario KofC State Board as; Program Director, Director of Community Programs, Director of Disaster Services and the Convention Director.

SK Earle has been the Faithful Navigator of Ottawa’s newest Assembly – SK Vincent Taillon Assembly (2903). He is also a member of the Knights on Bikes (KonB) organization.

In addition to the KofC, Earle is member of Toastmasters International and an organist. Earle is very active with his family, the St. Andrew’s Catholic Church and his community.

  [email protected]

Bishop Joseph Dabrowski, C.S.M.A.

State Chaplain – Aumönier D’État

His Excellency Joseph Dabrowski was born in 1964 in Poland, the second of five children. The son of Czesława and Ludwik, he grew up in Wysoka Strzyżowska, a small village in the south of Poland. After graduating from a high school run by the Michaelite Fathers, he chose to enter the Michaelite religious order. After completing one year of the Novitiate he made his first profession in 1982. After one year of internship in Poland, he was selected to study in Italy at the Institute of Philosophy and Theology of Saint Peter in Viterbo. He graduated from the Pontifical Athenaeum of St. Anselm in Rome, obtaining his Master of Divinity. He was ordained to the Priesthood on 4 May 1991 at the Pontifical Sanctuary of Santa Maria ad Rupes, Italy. Four days later, he was assigned to join the Michaelite Fathers community in London, Ontario. In the Michaelite community, Bishop Joseph has served as Vice Superior, Vice Provincial, and Provincial of North American Vice Province.

In 1998 he was named Pastor of St. Mary’s Parish in London, where he served until he was ordained Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of London on 14 April 2015. Bishop Joseph enjoys serving and speaking with the faithful of many cultures, and celebrating the Catholic faith in many languages. He speaks English, Polish, Italian, Spanish, and French, and has previously studied Russian and Latin.

Bishop Joseph has represented the Canadian Catholic Conference of Bishops as co-chair to the Roman Catholic / Evangelical Dialogue (Episcopal Commission for Christian Unity), and as a member of the Episcopal Commission for Evangelization and Catechesis. As a member of the Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Ontario, he has served on the Commission for Priests Committee, the Social Affairs Commission, and acts as Bishop Liaison to the Ontario Association of Parents in Catholic Education (OAPCE).

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